crystal ballDivination

The word "divination" suggests contact with divinity, implying by it's very name
that only divine or godlike spirits can respond once invocation is made. This
is not necessarily true. Practicing any
form of divination is like opening the inner
door to your own subconscious mind. Once that door is open, anything can
enter, whether positive or negative in nature. The key to handling
this is to
protect yourself, and to remember that the
most important part of protection
is in preparation
and intent.
Their are many tools used in divination: Tarot,
Runes, Scrying, Palmistry, Astrology, I-Ching, and many others. It may seem
confusing to choose a tool. What you need to remember here is that these are
just tools. They are designed to put things in focus for you, the true power is
inside you and your mind. I would suggest you just try them all and pick the
one that is most comfortable for you. Here is information on two tools that I
like to use

Rune StoneRunes Tarot CardTarot

Navagation Bar
