Everything here, in spite of its title, expresses a native American perception of Eurocentric philosophy, sometimes an angry response to it, but always an honest assessment of its shortcomings.

Thoughtful comments and criticisms are not only welcomed but encouraged. Please E-Mail them here.

Everything here was written by Frederick Martin, who is solely responsible for its content and point-of-view. All rights to reproduce this material are reserved. Copyright © Frederick Martin


General Introduction


Notes from the Kingdom of God. (01.08.07)

Katrina and the War in Iraq.(01.16.07)

The Colonial Imperative of George W. Bush's War against Iraq.(01/10/07)

Duck Cheney's Dick Blind.(01/24/07)

Ashoura in Karbala and Najaf, Iraq, 2007.(01/31/07)

The State of George W. Bush's Union.(01/24/07)


Katrina Log.

Christianity Versus Islam in George W. Bush's Endless War Against Civil Liberties. (03/23/06)


A new section, which will begin to appear in this space soon, concerns the fact that George W. Bush has won reelection. Native people, the world over, have a view of that circumstance. I plan to express that view. A small start: "Coyotes have been entrenched in the D. C. suburbs for years, and reports of their arrival in the capital have been building for months." (D'Vera Cohn, Washington Post, November 5, 2004, B01) In fact, coyotes have been in the capital for at least 500 years. As Simon J. Ortiz (Acoma Pueblo) has observed: "Coyote, he's always somewhere before you."

Bush: The Artifact. (11/04/2004)

Bush/Kerry: Skull and Bones. (11/13/2004)

Bush and the American Taliban. (11/28/2004)

Godel, Einstein, and the Eurocentric Struggle to Find the Past. (12/17/2004)

Changing the Past. (12/18/2004)

Kill Columbus. (12/22/2004)

Creationism versus Creativity. (12/31/2004)

At every turn in this document the issue of harmonics either underlies or surfaces in any distinction drawn between Eurocentric and native American discourse. I never use the term loosely or arbitrarily. I always mean it in a mathematical and geometrical sense. Exactly what I mean by harmonic can be seen in two discussions: Maya Calendrical Harmonics and Geometrical Harmonics. An assumption here, of course, is that the Maya speak for all native Americans in the same way that the Greeks speak for Western Civilization.

Recent Additions to the Myth of Eden

Ruth Nanda Anshen:The Reality of the Devil: Evil in Man. (03/02/2001)

Ruth Nanda Anshen: The Fallacy of Opposition in Western Ideology. (03/05/2001)

The Necessity of Freedom and the Origin of Genocide in Western Civilization. (03/13/2001)

Martin Heidegger: A Dangerous Fragment. (10/19/2001)

Sigmund Freud: Totem and Taboo. (10/23/2001)

Arthur Schopenhauer: The World as Will and Representation. (10/26/2001)

Knowledge and Power. (11/05/2001)

Eudora Welty: "Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden." (11/16/2001)

James Clifford: Traveling from Place to Place, Tribe to Tribe, as a Predicament of Culture. (01/03/2002)

Dark Energy and the Death of the Universe. (01/04/2002)

Enron: Cheney, Ashcroft, O'Neill, Evans--Nothing Wrong with This Picture. (01/11/2002)

James Clifford: "Identity in Mashpee." (01/17/2002)

Blaise Pascal: Pensees: On Human Duality. (01/19/2002)

Sir Thomas Browne: Religio Medici: Witches, Sorcerers, and Magicians in Early Scientific Discourse. (01/21/2002)

"Cyber-Aztecs and Cholo-Punks": What World You Livin' In? (02/01/2002)

Blaise Pascal and the History of China. (02/04/2002)

Pascal's Perfect Contradiction. (02/07/2002)

Bishop George Berkeley: The Principles of Human Knowledge. (02/19/2002)

Are There Really Five Sides to Every Question? (02/20/2002)

In Defense of Religious Bigotry. (02/24/2002)

Mary Rowlandson, Captivity Narratives, and King Philip's War. (02/28/2002)

Antitribalism and the Face of American Justice. (03/04/2002)

Early Colonial Perceptions of Native America. (03/11/2002)

Al Qaeda Terrorists and Governmental Terrorism. (03/20/2002)

The Luxury of Capitalist Excess. (03/26/2002)

George W. Bush, Intifadeh, and the War on Terrorism. (04/03/2002)

Tom Ridge and Homeland Security. (04/04/2002)

Spirit Versus God in Native American Culture. (04/08/2002)

Armageddon, the Temple Mount, and George W. Bush's Foreign Policy. (04/16/2002)

Reading Pictures and Picturing Readers in Pre-Linguistic Cultures. (04/18/2002)

Inca Mummies, Lost Land, and Historical Revisionism. (04/22/2002)

Nine-Eleven and the Rise of Saudi Hegemony in the Middle East. (04/25/2002)

George W. Bush: Plausible Deniability. (04/01/2003)

Bombing the Cradle of Civilization. (04/25/2003)

Science as Myth
Science as Myth and the Myth of Science. (05/09/2002)

Copernicus:On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. (05/15/2002)

The "Just So" Theory of Human Origins. (07/11/2002)

Sir Isaac Newton: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. (07/12/2002)

E-Mail comments to Frederick Martin


Maya Astronomy
Natural Law
Social Law
Classic Soul
Utopia/ Eden
Christian Hierarchy
Christian Soul
Christian Identity

These first three essays provide a considerable insight into the origin of my interest as a native American in the subject of the Myth of Eden. Chaucer's pre-Columbian point-of-view in the Canterbury Tales, specifically in the Merchant's Tale, makes him innocent of the knowledge, but not the inevitability, of the Evil that overtook the Americas in its usual guise as the Sacred.

Chaucer: Classifying Sacred and Profane

The Myth of Eden, Bakhtinian Carnival, and Chaucer's Merchant's Tale.

Gregory I and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. (03/30/2001)

Chaucer, Parody, and the Myth of Eden. (08/24/2001)


Maya Calendrical Astronomy

The World Tree and Maya Calendrical Astronomy. (04/10/2000)

Maya Calendrical Harmonics. (03/07/2001)

Maya Geometrical Harmonics. (04/05/2001)

Copan, Honduras: Stela 10 and Temple 22. (11/05/2001)

The Copanec Baseline: Stela 10 and Stela 12 at Copan, Honduras. (11/05/2001)

The Accession and Death of 18-Rabbit at Copan, Honduras. (01/30/2001)

Equinox and Solstice in the Maya Calendar Round.

Table on Dresden Codex Page 59.

Katun Quarters in the Maya CR.

Venus and Drought in the Dresden Codex.

To View Other Maya Essays Click Here

Back to Index
Christian Hierarchy

Binary Opposition, Hierarchy, and God's Power in Early Christian Writing. (03/21/2001)

Dionysius the Areopagite: The Celestial Hierarchy. (01/15/2001)

Eucherius of Lyons: De Contemptu Mundi. (01/20/2001)

St. Bonaventure: The Journey of the Mind into God. (02/06/2001)

Binary Opposition and Original Sin: Genesis: 2:16-17. (03/09/2001)

Augustine: De Moribus Manichaeorum. (03/23/2001)

Tertullian: On the Body and Soul Dialectic. (03/26/2001)

Gregory I and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. (03/30/2001)

Back to Index
Contemporary Politics

From "Infinite Justice" to "Enduring Freedom" in the Murky Mindset of Presidential Pretenders. (10/02/2001)

With God Going On Before. (10/11/2001)

George W. Bush and the Ideology of Crusade. (09/20/2001)

WTC: September 11, 2001. (09/15/2001)

John Ashcroft as Attorney General. (12/26/2000)

Umberto Eco: The Island of the Day Before. (01/02/2001)

George W. Bush, Changeless Ideology, and Eurocentric Consciousness (02/05/2001)

Nicolo Machiavelli: The Prince: On Colonization. (04/10/2001)

Revilo P. Oliver: Christianity: Religion of the West. (03/28/2001)

A Wealth of Nations and the Fallacy of Capitalism. (05/10/2001)

Speech and Writing in Plato's Phaedrus. (08/13/2001)

Gramsci on the Inside/Outside of Social Relationships. (08/24/2001)

Knowledge and Power. (11/05/2001)

Enron: Cheney, Ashcroft, O'Neill, Evans--Nothing Wrong with This Picture. (01/11/2002)

"Cyber-Aztecs and Cholo-Punks": What World You Livin' In? (02/01/2002)

Back to Index
Rationalism: Kant and Adorno
Kant's Moral Values in the Light of Maya Harmonics. (08/16/2001)

Kant on Space and Time: Transcendental Aesthetics in the Light of Maya Astronomy. (07/25/2001)

Kant and Dionysius: From The Celestial Hierarchy to The Critique of Practical Reason in the Changeless Ideology of Western Philosophical Traditions. (07/28/2001)

Adorno, Kant, Tertullian: Against Hermogenes. (06/26/2001)

Adorno: Negative Dialectics: Concept Versus Object in Materialistic Thought. (05/23/2001)

Adorno: Natural Law and the Universality of Domination. (08/04/2001)


Marx: Man and Nature. (2/7/99)

Frederic Jameson: The Political Unconscious. (1/28/99)

Raymond Williams: Social Science. (2/8/99)

Frederick Engels: On the Iroquois. (4/12/99)

Marx: On Tribal Religion. (4/18/99)

Adorno and Horkheimer: Dialectic of Enlightenment. (5/3/99)

Frederick Engels and Eurocentric Domination of the Other. (5/27/99)

Adorno, Hierarchy, and the Necessity of Dominion. (7/22/99)

Georg Lukacs: On Social Evolution. (9/18/99)

Theodor Adorno: Natural Law and the Universality of Domination. (08/04/2001)

Gramsci on the Inside/Outside of Social Relationships. (08/24/2001)

Ernst Bloch: The Spirit of Utopia. (02/15/2001)

Ernst Bloch: The Spirit of Utopia: Fetishes, Part 1. (02/17/2001)

Ernst Bloch: The Spirit of Utopia: Fetishes, Part 2. (02/20/2001)

Ernst Bloch, The Spirit of Utopia, and Native American Perceptions of Reality. (02/25/2001)

Ernst Bloch, the Transmigration of Souls, and Life after the Apocalypse: An Ash Wednesday Meditation. (02/28/2001)

Back to Index
Nature and Natural Law

Introduction: Lawn Care, Snap.Com, and Eurocentric Paradigms of Genocide. (5/20/99)

Big Bang. (12/11/98)

Relativity. (12/18/98)

Rousseau and Nature. (1/22/99)

Hegel's Nature/Culture Dialectic. (3/3/99)

Rousseau's Prescription for Human Origins. (3/23/99)

Titian: Logos and Creativity. (3/29/99)

Nietzsche: On the Persecution of the Other. (4/15/99)

Kant: Metaphysical Barbarism. (4/21/99)

David Duke (Ex-Imperial Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan): Lessons in Genocide. (5/20/99)

Sigmund Freud: Totem and Taboo. (10/23/2001)

Dark Energy and the Death of the Universe. (01/04/2002)

Sir Thomas Browne: Religio Medici: Witches, Sorcerers, and Magicians in Early Scientific Discourse. (01/21/2002)

Back to Index
Reflections on Spirit

The Myth of the Great Spirit. (09/28/2001)

Trial By Error. (12/9/98)

If You Can't Name Your Tribe, You Ain't No Indian. (09/08/2001)

The River Is A Bone. (12/10/98)

Hobbes, Montaigne, and Valor in War. (12/15/98)

Spirit In A Stone. (12/17/98)

Spirit Wheel. (2/18/99)

Sierra Blanca (1953). (1/30/99)

Spirit Lake. (3/25/99)

Spirit of the Earth. (2/22/99)

Spirit-Death. (6/8/99)

Snake, Rattle, and Roll. (6/9/99)

Good Medicine/Bad Medicine. (6/10/99)

Crow Can't See No Future in Some Bison Bones. (6/28/99)

Buffalo Woman Ain't No Mother in Some Soldier's Eye. (6/11/99)

When Talon Is the Only Knife You Know. (10/8/99)

Prediction Versus Prophecy in Native American Culture. (6/21/99)

Sun-Dancing Birds Who Black the Bison-Sky. (9/20/99)

Bird Singing Spirit-Death All Over Again. (8/26/99)

Bird-Singing Sees the Jaguar Sky. (11/16/99-09/04/2001)

Back to Index
Society and Social Law

Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan: "Mere Nature." (12/11/98)

Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan: Commonwealth. (12/14/98)

Nietzsche: Good/Evil. (1/31/99)

Descartes and the NRA. (5/17/99)

Reaching the Same Conclusion From Origen to Descartes. (6/3/99)

Descartes, Human Language, and Social Hierarchy. (6/4/99)

Fear and Loathing on the Sacred Mountain. (6/14/99)

Leibnitz: Monadology. (8/31/99)

Leibnitz: An Enlightened View of Original Sin. (9/2/99)

Augustine, Leibnitz and the City of God. (9/3/99)

Spinoza: Ethics. (9/9/99)

Arthur Schopenhauer: The World as Will and Representation. (10/26/2001)

Biblical Texts

King James Version: The Myth of Eden

World English Bible (WEB): The Myth of Eden

Back to Index

Introduction: Dada's Hugo Ball. (1/4/99)

Derrida: Inside/Outside. (12/25/98)

Body/Soul. (1/4/99)

Number. (1/1/99)

(Un)Covering Identity. (1/14/99)

Back to Index

Authenticating Identity. (12/30/98)

Tertullian: The Christian Colonization of the Other. (2/21/99)

Justin Martyr and St. Ignatius: Constituting Cannibalism. (3/10/99)

On The Creation of the Other. (3/18/99)

Namibia: European Genocide against the Herero. (3/21/99)

Cabeza de Vaca: Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America (1542). (5/26/99)

Eudora Welty: "Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden." (11/16/2001)

James Clifford: Traveling from Place to Place, Tribe to Tribe, as a Predicament of Culture. (01/03/2002)

James Clifford: "Identity in Mashpee." (01/17/2002)

Back to Index
Mikhail Bakhtin

Talking Through Identity. (1/4/99)

Mikhail Bakhtin: Monologic Command/Dialogic Rejoinder. (4/2/99)

Bakhtin on Myth and Language. (3/30/99)

Bakhtin and Vertical Time. (4/6/99)

Back to Index
Classic Soul

Aristotle: On The Soul. (1/6/99)

Aristotle and the "Essential Whatness" of the Body. (1/11/99)

Plato: Timaeus. (1/13/99)

Back to Index
Christian Soul

Augustine: On Christian Doctrine. (1/13/99)

Tertullian: Treatise on the Soul. (1/21/99)

Tertullian: Reason and Soul. (2/21/99)

Bernard of Clairvaux: On Loving God. (5/5/99)

Augustine: Against Manichaeanism. (5/21/99)

Origen: Superior Qualities of the Soul. (5/28/99)

Origen: A Mysterious Virtue. (5/31/99)

Origen: A Man of Great Powers. (6/2/99)

Catherine of Siena: Formulating Identity by Talking through God. (6/5/99)

John Milton: Giving Voice to Snakes and Angels Shapes the (Wo)man in Your Skin. (6/23/99)

Novatian: Freedom, God's Eternity, and (Wo)man's Death. (6/28/99)

Novatian and the Rule of Truth. (6/25/99)

Novatian: An Immortality of Guilt. (7/2/99)

Pope Gregory I: Creationism, Hierarchy, and Early Christian Views of Slavery. (8/31/99)

Dionysius the Areopagite: The Celestial Hierarchy. (500 A. D.) (01/15/2001)

Eucherius of Lyons: De Contemptu Mundi. (500 A. D.) (01/21/2001)

Blaise Pascal: Pensees: On Human Duality. (01/19/2002)

Back to Index
Utopia/ Eden

Jameson: Theoretical Utopianism (As If There Were Another Kind). (2/3/99)

Francis Bacon: The New Atlantis. (2/14/99)

Sir George Peckham: The Advantages of Colonization (1582). (2/24/99)

St. Cyprian: On Mortality. (3/8/99)

Irenaeus: Cannibalism as Sacred and Profane Discourse. (3/12/99)

Thomas More: A Utopian Colonization of the Other. (4/1/99)

Thomas More: Communal Property. (4/1/99)

Cynthia Tucker: Even "Global Peace" Won't Save You From Some Trekkie Heaven. (6/14/99)

Umberto Eco: The Island of the Day Before. (01/02/2001)

Martin Buber: Paths in Utopia. (10/23/2001)

Back to Index
Christian Identity

An Ultimate Ideology. 8/16/99

Revilo P. Oliver: On Western Christianity (July 1989) or Pequot Revisited. 8/18/99

Revilo P. Oliver: Christianity: Religion of the West. 8/19/99

Back to Index

Kierkegaard: The Concept of Dread. 9/10/99

Kierkegaard: Concluding Unscientific Postscript. 10/05/2001

Kierkegaard: Time versus Eternity, A Columbus Day Reflection. 10/08/2001

Kierkegaard: Philosophical Fragments and the History of Coming into Existence. 10/10/2001

Gabriel Marcel: Man Against Mass Society. 10/13/2001

Martin Buber: I and Thou. 10/16/2001

Martin Buber on Spirit. 10/18/2001

Martin Heidegger: A Dangerous Fragment. (10/19/2001)

Back to Index

Justin Martyr and St. Ignatius: Constituting Cannibalism. (3/10/99)

Irenaeus: Cannibalism as Sacred and Profane Discourse. (3/12/99)

Cabeza de Vaca: Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America (1542). (5/26/99)

Sir George Peckham: The Advantages of Colonization (1582). (2/24/99)

Frederick Engels: On the Iroquois. (4/12/99)

Marx: On Tribal Religion. (4/18/99)

The Anasazi as Cannibals. (6/16/2000)

Good Friday. (4/2/99)

Columbine High School. (4/26/99)

Another Christian Fable: Montana Town Stunned by Cannibalism. (12/21/2000)

George W. Bush, Changeless Ideology, and Eurocentric Consciousness. (02/05/2001)

Genghis Khan: More Tombs to Plunder. (08/20/2001)

Back to Index