What makes a prophecy: 
  1. Prophecies always tell of a future event, usually years to thousands of years in advance. The actual time is rarely known but can at times be surmised. (Prophets are frequently drawn into the sense of immediacy many major prophetic dreams convey and later discover those prophecies may never occur during their lifetime. If the events do start, then consideration and reasoning is required.)
  2. A prophecy shows the event by analogy largely using visual analogies for the words.
  3. The imagery for the words is universal so the analogy is frequently valid in all languages.
  4. A prophecy usually contains a sense of time although rarely a specific date.
  5. A prophecy contains a caution, ususally of a disaster, which CAN be avoided or averted.
  6. A prophecy may hint at remedial steps to take to resolve the cautionary aspect.
  7. Prophecies all come from the same Source… the Creator, no matter who the prophet is.
  8. Prophecies may contain a lesson for teaching social values and do not contain dogma.
  9. A prophecy can come from anyone, yet most comes from effective, responsible people.
  10. A prophecy may refer to other events at the time of fulfillment. A prophecy may use imagery from the time of the prophet to convey the future event. 

Aspects defining a Prophet: 

  1. is a person capable of taking the analogies of their dreams, visions or other sensory means and putting it into words. Good prophets take the "wheat from the chaff" setting aside low-value, unworthy, or personal information or ones which create confusion or otherwise waste the time of subsequent readers, (they are less than useful for teaching). They are only messengers who have developed better connections to the Creator, something everyone can achieve.
  2. usually knows that, or associates, the source of their prophecies is with a Higher Power, the Creator. The recognition of this is not mandatory, it’s a personal realization. (Some psychics have the same ability yet a limited focus and general lack of specific direction can eliminate them from more serious participation. Many are more self-absorbed or intent on satifying their own desires and impaired by a lack of familiarity with scriptures.)
  3. is not required to moralize, though they will tend to teach in association with their ability to foresee to impart the wisdom and usefulness of it. Messages may only be relevant to a limited number of people.
  4. is not required to belong to any specific faith or denomination. Many have no religious affiliation, yet most notable ones have had a sound background in scriptures. It is better that they do NOT have a close affiliation to a denomination as it may impair their ability rather than enhance it, as the politics of their belief may create influences biasing the message rather than it being stated as it was given. (The visual analogies given to them may have greater religious overtones, which creates a bias when they are relayed.)
  5. is not limited by age, gender, ethnicity or physical ability. They can come from any walk of life yet few prophets of any credibility are occupied with prophecy only, it is not an occupation so they must find an occupation or business also. Intemperate lives create limitations. (Prophet’s moral or personal failures are not conveyed within a prophecy. That is given as separate information to only them.)
  6. is usually not the best person to interpret what they see. For this reason prophets should clearly record in writing what they see/experience. Few prophets understand all they see as many cannot detach themselves from the visual analogies, and not the whole meaning. 
  7.  is not without failures in interpretation of prophecies even though a prophet may give/relay prophecies 100% accurately.
  8. is often someone who has had hard times, misfortunes, tragedies or a stressful life. It makes them more sensitive to the plight of others.
  9. is reluctant to state that anything they have seen is an absolute. Prophetic information is cautionary and as such it is possible although not always simple to change the path of the future. It usually requires more participation than one person can provide. (Note: Joseph in Egypt saving them from a famine.)
  10. A major prophet may be turned against by people in power as the prophet's Power is more authorative and can make it difficult to govern. It’s not required that they speak out against injustices and follies all the time or too strongly. To create attention to issues they may publicly reveal injustices or serious political failures. Always there is someone who takes exception to being exposed for their misdoings who seeks ways to retaliate. (Jesus was a victim of this but chose to martyr himself.)
  11. is an independent speaker and must remain so. Those who influence a prophet or the message they provide should be exceedingly careful not to distort it as there are often subtleties which the casual reader may miss on first reading. Outside influences will in due time diminish or discredit the value of that prophet if they are not independent.
  12. is a person just like you with the main difference being that they have paid attention to the analogies of their dreams. Major prophets have a wider perspective of the world than minor or budding prophets and most are more liberal in their dealings with others. No prophet was born by divine intervention. It's an ability which can be learned, or enhanced from natural tendencies.
  13. A prophet may find the dreams of others’ may have a message for them which has no other relevance other than to inform the prophet. Incidences of "synchronicity" are high.
  14. Being a prophet does not put them above the law nor does it disable them from making mistakes or other human failings. Most are more ethical and have higher levels of integrity. Do not expect they are without failings and shortcomings, they are human.
  15. They are not the source of the message, they are the messenger. They may understand the message they are conveying, yet more often they do not understand it all. 
  16. A prophet has flexibility in the relaying of the message, IF the message is not compromised. Prophets are not required to argue with those who disbelieve, particularly those arguing points of dogma, or perceptions which are "hair-splitting". (People aiming to prove their beliefs/dogma are certain to be corrected or rejected.) 
  17. Prophets are not superhuman or all knowing, they can know whatever the Creator gives them. They are people just like you, who have learned to listen. 
  18. In rare instances a prophet might be led astray or lied to yet a strength of character is more likely to enable them to avoid making the same mistake twice. They can be shown the untruths in advance.
  19. Prophets endeavor to obey both the laws of man and God, yet may defer to the Higher Power when conflicts occur. 
  20. A prophet will continue to do the work assigned until it has been completed, pausing when necessary, and finding alternative ways to succeed. 
  21. state exactly what they see in their dreams and visions without interpreting the meaning of it within the context of what is being said or shown. Je 23:32, 2Pe 1:20 (It may be done separately as an aside.) Initially it is enough that you interpret what you see into words. 
  22. take responsibility for what they relay to ensure the accuracy of it is as high as they can manage. It will require a good recognition of images and an ability to turn the images into words. The better your command of your language is, the better your ability to "find the right words". 
  23. learn as much as possible the language to be used where the images are not easily understood. (ie. a heap of dung is business, or job related.)  It is rare to have prophetic messages which contain references to bodily functions.
  24. get past their own inability to understand the complete meaning or implications of it and know that others often understand and interpret them better than the prophet can. They hear the words more than see the images. 
  25. not add or subtract from the content recalled. That can only lessen the ability and credibility of the prophet. 
  26. not add theological or dogmatic explanations in the message. (Links to passages or prophecies can be included.) Lesser prophets have their words tainted by expounding thinly veiled dogma and frequent scriptural references. At the very least, it is inappropriate. 
  27. look for a practical or real explanation for the visual analogies shown. The reason is that prophecies can be used for teaching, so others learn how to understand dreams and visions. (For this reason most short dreams are eliminated.) 
  28. apply the message regarding the content wherever possible in a manner relating to their life as a teacher would. 
  29. know that the content is largely cautionary and suggestive of actions we should take (or might take to our detriment). The future is not written in stone and we, individually or collectively by our actions, influence and direct our future. Foresight gives us the opportunity to create a better future if we use some of the knowledge constructively. 
  30. know that rather little of what a prophet relays is what others want to hear, especially when we are chided for our shortcomings or see the circumstances of our or other family members' eventual end. Foresight is more than "eyelid movie" entertainment. Some of the dreams are entertaining as images, yet the message built into the images may not be. 
  31. respect the audience. Frequent inclusions of distressed, negative, pessimistic, stressful, ascetic, or antisocial comments diminishes the value of the prophet and size of the audience. Prophets are NOT religionaries, although they are people of higher morals. Religion is a political creation after a belief in a prophet has flourished. Rarely in the past did prophets ever come from the ranks of priests or clergy. With their ability, they may become valued as leaders as long as they just direct, and refrain from acidic criticisms. Those who have tried to control others with their ability are doomed to certain failure. 
  32. have integrity. Integrity is not necessarily moral behavior. Morality is a variable depending on your location in the world and values. You have no right to judge the morals of others except by their standards and values. There may be consequences for a perceived lack of morality in any given society. (It is not up to others to judge your failure to live a perfect moral existence unless your lack of morality intrudes on or disturbs their life directly. They have the right to gently tell you if your integrity is less than acceptable. Hypocrites include those who claim to live a moral life and deny or lie about what they do which is less than acceptable behavior. They lack integrity.) 
  33. remain humble, yet confident. Seeing the future is rewarding and RISKY. It has a power which goes with it. People fear or mistrust those who never make mistakes or never admit their humanity or become arrogant in their knowledge (even if the others have the same opportunity). There's always a risk of failure when you lead, and as a prophet a segment of the public wants you to be an angel too, placing unreasonable expectations on you. 
  34. earn a living. There's no accident that profit and prophet are homonyms. People with foresight are required to work or profit, use their ability to foresee and invent or create to make a living in the world. Put what you know into making an income. It may not always work the way you want or expect. 
  35. live at peace with themselves. You can live in awe of the far reaching knowledge of the Creator. There's no need to live in fear if the cautions are heeded and intelligence applied. 
  36. may be required to find errors and failures like breaches of security or truth of words as part of their ability to discern. Although an imprecation protected the Book of Revelation from tampering none existed to protect the other books of the Bible. The Gospel of Matthew was tampered with in verse 28:19. Paul and others have used it to create one major error of dogma. There is no trinity, and never was. Refer to De 6:4. There is one God.
          Personal prophecy is very common and is not required to be for anyone other than the person, family and/or friends of the person foreseeing. The time frame on it may be quite short but most will occur within the lifetime of the person receiving it. 
          Extremely little foresight is based on a global audience. Foresight may only occur during stressful times in a person’s life. Few people can reach or be heard broadly in a short period of time so most personal prophecies are for a limited audience. A volcano or earthquake is a relatively local event and devastation from them is usually imited (except in the case of tsunami). A cometary collision with it’s accompanying shock waves is a global event. If you as an average person have global events occuring in your dreams you can be assured that the time is nearing that action needs to be taken to avert or avoid the disaster you have seen. There are innumerable analogies for the disasterous events and you may have attributed some of them to having seen a movie portraying something similar.
Note: A mouseover the icon will show the adjacent reference. 

          This is a website for people with the gift of prophecy, willing to share it with others. About 3300+ years ago Moses shared foresight with the elders of the 12 tribesNumbers 11:25. It can be learned. A good prophet requires an understanding of what takes to be a prophet or risks needless mistakes. A prophet is not limited to any faith or denomination. The Creator speaks to all of us and gives even more to those who listen (and act responsibly and intelligently on the directions they are given). The Creator has spoken to humankind from the beginning of time, principally through our dreams and visions Ge 37:8 & 41:11 De 13:1-5 1Sa 28:6 Da 1:17 &5:12 (or through prophets who used their dreams/visions). Some of us hear more clearly or relate to the analogies more easily by way of the creative side of our thinking. 

         If you search far enough you'll discover one notable prophet 2000 years ago directed us to follow and use the words of our dreamsJohn 1:1, yet most people have never known that was his message to us. The meaning of the lesson was either unheard or twisted by religionaries living within the Roman EmpireIrenaeus and Tertullian. Their lack of understanding was later supported by the power of the Roman throne. Their belief was finally spread over all the other branches, ones which had understood the lesson far better. Arians, Donatists, Gnostics, Marcionists, Montanists, Nestorians, Sabellianism Rome's religious politics eliminated them as heresies, differences of opinion, not crimes and destroyed what they didn't understand. That included the teaching about the true essence of foresight. 

         We discover the truth from our own dreams after learning how they work. We then have a choice. Do we participate in our future in a half-interested way, or do we learn to sharpen our abilities knowing that it requires an effort on our part to be responsible or creative in this or anything? I cannot make those choices for you. Only you can. Is the world and it's future of interest to you or do you figure someone else is getting the same information and will do it for you? Is your own future important to you? Did you want to know what to do when you were un(der)employed or at cross-roads in your life or need answers about your health? If you are paying attention to your dreams you will find that if you fail to participate or take action there will be more dreams suggesting that you do. In fact some dreams will prod you frequently to do what you can (are shown) until you do it or waste the opportunity. There are not always alternatives to acting. If for instance I didn't take the time to start this site someone else might, eventually. If I didn't take the time to step out of the way of an onrushing train there wouldn't be a second chance. With health it could be that serious too. It may require that you eat something you haven't been eating, or avoid eating something you are eating to which you have become sensitive or change the quantities. 

         As everyone has dreams it is entirely possible that everyone will have prophetic dreams at some time during their life. We invite everyone who feels that some or many of their dreams are of value to share them here. The value to others has to be weighed. Is the content of the prophetic dream trivial or to be applied to just your life (or a few people you know)? Or is it something which should be seen by many people as corroborating information for say, an impending disaster? Or does it relate to the resolution of an impending disaster beforehand? 

         To ensure that not every dream is recorded as a prophecy we ask that you censor yourself as it is certain that if a dream relates to personal behavior it isn't likely to be of a calibre that is needed to show others of major future events. If it has sexual implications or other bodily functions it will not have the necessary components to be of significant importance as a prophetic passage. (Please note that this is not an absolute, it is however a fairly usual means of excluding the non-prophetic personal dreams from more significant dreams.) 

         As we spend a significant portion of our time dreaming it is unlikely that it is all about ourselves. There are times when everyone looks beyond themselves to the community, to the nation, to the world. We may not know how we can apply what we see, yet if we can see how others have seen the future we may come to a collective understanding of what can be done. It isn't always an answer which we individually would have come to, yet the answers we come to, have to make sense and be practical. The answers are not figurative, vague or irrational applications of an analogy, they are literal and concrete realities, analogical sometimes, logical the rest of the time. 

         Politics plays a factor in identifying a large number of scriptural prophecies as does political truth, so be assured that the content and resolutions still have political answers. The answers or solutions may be sullied by the stubbornness of doubters who have political power. That's a factor that individually we may never be able to resolve but collectively we can when we speak or act together. 

         As many people have surmised that we are coming into an "End Time" there is a need for proof of that. That has been supplied. Many skeptics will continue to disbelieve (usually because they will not apply the means to foresee to themselves or only play at learning it and would prefer to remain insincere). There is a need for action to be taken by us individually and collectively. The actions ensure that what we have collectively foreseen is supported by content others have contributed and the proof really is provable in realistic terms, not isolated verses plucked "to prove a point" but long passages. Those actions will ensure more people are invited to share what they have foreseen. (And to share how to foresee with everyone. The prophecy of Joel 2:28 (or 3:1)Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. indicates that "our children will prophesy and that old men will dream dreams" will not be useful unless more people learn dreams are a major source of our creativity, and cautions which include our behavior, and are far more than a trivial source for erotic imagery.) 

         Leave theology to those who like the politics of religion. The Creator doesn't expound theology, although may occasionally direct you to a passage to read, not necessarily from a holy book. Theology is a repository of overworked and often twisted words, and a second or third hand reworking of an interpretation of prophets or their followers. Why would someone with foresight want to involve themselves with it when they can find the answers themselves? As each of us has a connection to the Creator via our dreams there is a limited need for theologians, or clergy unless they bring their abilities into line with that communication the Creator gives, then share it widely to strengthen the abilities of others to do the same. All faiths began with a spiritual man with foresight but their messages and the relevance dwindle through interpretation and policy creation. No one is openly taught to foresee as they forsaw. Foresight may be a gift, but it's one that can be learned. 

         To hone a budding ability to foresee reading the works of past prophets is a good way to build that ability especially the writings of Ezekiel, Daniel and in Revelation and other scriptural prophets. The Book of Enoch, some chapters from the Nag Hammadi Library and many books of Edgar Cayce's prophecies are more than worthwhile reading. Nostradamus' prophecies range from very good to damaged by his efforts to obscure that which was already obscured (largely by the element of time). Prophets are not just found in the Bible or other holy books. Prophets are not all infallible, they're just humans who are paying attention to their dreams. Some are seen as false, or as being "lesser" by being too unclear or include things not shown to them. Ambiguities are a factor in the visual analogies and it's why so many would-be prophets think what they saw (images) is the reality when the true message is in the words used to describe the images. They are not always the same. The Creator knows what you write. If it isn't what was to be understood it may be given again or expanded on, clarified or otherwise corrected in another dream. If the information is still not grasped the motivation of the potential prophet is in doubt as to whether they are in integrity with themselves and the Source of the dreams. 

         A well-known yet infamous fraud 100 years ago promoted his own wild theory of what dreams meant (and focussed them on sex, sex, sex ... 666). Subsequent iterations by him and others who came after him using any of this theory have harmed many people directly or indirectly with their lack of understanding. Using those false theories and educated bafflegab and many people's interest in sex they collectively secured their authoritive positions. What would be lies to those who believe in a Creator, or a contrived reality is a truth to the liar. The truth is still well known, yet not in all the high places which count in the world. 

         Ignorance and half-truths were never a positive force in the past. So why are we still in the grips of the ignorance that fraud promoted? This website aims to repair the damage of the half-truths that Freud created, and Jung only partially repaired before extending some of the errors. Science is not the culprit. Many famous scientific "finds" came from dreams. The culprit was Freud who failed to comprehend dreams (and some still believe he was the father of research into dreams, another serious falsehood when you discover who really started the informed use of dreams). Freud wildly and erroneously theorized about them. The damage he's created is far more severe than all the lives lost in every war ever and it continues. The damage created by putting a fools theory forward as the truth has harmed people's ability to understand their own dreams and allowed his minions to manipulate even juries. Imagine the vast loss of creativity and all that would go with heeding the content of one's own dreams if you thought that fraud was right or were uncertain enough to forgo discovering for yourself what the truth of it was. I have nothing but strong words for him. If I heard someone say "to hell with him" I wouldn't think they had underestimated what should happen to him for his treachery. 

         What would be your desired participation in the overall plan of the future? Are you called or chosen? Are you hearing and sighted or blind and deaf? During the next decade or two we are going to see some vast changes to our world, some we can make ourselves, some we can avert from happening. If you fear change then you may prefer to remain blind and deaf. If you can benefit from foresight and are willing to help others then you'll want more participation. There is no one but you and the Creator who will judge you for not participating yet you should keep in mind that it may be your birthright you squander by doing nothing. Getting excited about the future moments before a disaster sounds like someone who failed to heed their dreams before they sailed on the Titanic. 
         Not everyone survived when ice gashes "the ship" (and again, by analogy, our world). But then you don't know the whole story about the future do you.... If you have read it, then why are you waiting for someone else to do something about it? There's only one of me and no possibility that I could inform and protect 5.6 billion people from that magnitude of disaster by myself in the time that's left. There are many events which occur prior to the disaster. You can learn now or later that it requires a large participation to effect the necessary changes. It's a participation that requires the efforts of many people who foresee, who can lead, who can work in countless ways, who can contribute to the cause. There's no Pharoah who has asked for a dream to be interpreted ready to have a prophet direct the salvation of his people. There's just us and I'm already doing what I can... partly by informing you, partly by creating a fun means to fund a large amount of this.