The Pacific Way ...
                                                                 of Words


New Advances
      on a very Ancient Method
              for Understanding Dreams





book is dedicated
to the One who makes all things possible
to you, and the man
who taught this before




A special thanks to my sons and my valued friends and acquaintances. Some asked for answers, sparked philosophical responses, or practical points; others assisted in editing as their participation.

Thankfully I live where information is available. Many stimulations and inputs to my daily life contributed to this book's content. Those inputs include courses, books, television, newspapers, radio, the Internet and of course dreams; some of which are mine. Discussions stimulated the rest. Everyone has some of the facts relating to the total picture. No single source had it all. The misinformed or misguided caused investigations to find missing pieces too. Seldom did a day go by without hearing or seeing parts to add to the totality of it. I thank you for your input. Keep dreaming and find in them the creative and Creator, guides to our future and success.


Everyone dreams. No one recalls them all. Our sensory impressions to them ranges from distorted to sexual to scary to informative to creative to odd to weird or amusing. Most people see or relate somewhat to their dreams visually as 'eyelid movies', and not the WORD analogies used to describe them. Most of us have little or no awareness that dreams contain more than the familiar yet often strange or contorted imagery. Some see dreams in a clinical yet often unscientific way and downplay, ignore, avoid or deny the unexplainable and connections to the Creator (which aren’t necessary to be seen at the beginning, yet are there when a Source is sought. That connection was found in the beginnings of all faiths, known or unnamed.) Our dreams are seldom unexplainable once they are in words, and the analogies they contain are recognized.

In my lifelong quest to find answers to my queries about how we were to find spirituality I accepted quite early it wasn’t limited to any denomination, faith or levels of participation within the buildings involved. In fact I had clear evidence of it appearing in people who had no religious affiliation or exposure to religion. So with that sitting in my mind I had to determine how people could find the spirit within themselves, and hear the voice of the Creator and grow with it. It had to be simple… but it wasn’t obvious. It had to be something everyone habitually overlooked or didn’t see for what it was. What is more overlooked by more people than what they don’t really understand or know of in its origins than our dreams? That didn’t become clear to me for a long time. [Then after I did find it I realized the Creator’s intent was not to be worshipped but for us to use our dreams to guide our lives. The honor paid to the Creator would be better spent in learning to follow His messages to us… the messages we are given as dreams.]

Gradually I found the Source of dreams is the creative, and the Creator within. Many diverse peoples have known that on looking for a source of this knowledge. People from thousands of years ago acknowledged that Source as their source to foresee the future. Noah and Moses did and were called prophets. Prophets can profit. That was the idea behind it all. Having the ability to foresee was wasted if someone only told of future dangers in terms lacking action or hope of overcoming the adversity. (Hence scriptural curses on witches and psychics.)

Scenarios prophets foresaw were often far in the future, yet that far time is our present, a time given as 'the passing of a generation'. If this book helps you foresee future events or benefit from the creativity within it, it will have succeeded. If you miss a few dreams it's not serious, some repeat, with variations, but what you lose may have been worth a lot to you sooner or later, nuggets of information. Some dreams simply continue where they left off. They all require us to act on the words, using our ability to reason what we really are being shown.

Those who deny foresight are often ignorant, or oblivious to events shown in advance (especially in intermediate or distantly future events.) Only some dreams are 'in the present' or discernable prophecy would not exist.

Science cannot explain foresight. Its minions outside a few social scientists seldom try, though some have used dreams successfully for finding answers to scientific problems. Some scientists' attitudes offend the religious (who also may stray to perceptual extremes.) Scientists who deny foresight's existence include people who had godless attitudes taught to them as a 'truth', as opposed to facts, which to some has become their 'religion' and they advocate their disbelief in a Creator as their belief). Those who taught them were equally unknowing or unable to explain something as vast and yet so finite, definite and infinite. Yet in spite of their disbelief most people accept the existence of a Supreme Being even if they’re unable to define how they know, or how to recognize It.

To those few scientists it was easier to deny than allow that a future event could be known, or seen in dreams. Skepticism is valid yet going beyond it to denial and rationalization closes doors to knowing. True scientists pride themselves on keeping the doors open (or miss seeing the unexpected.) Good minds revolt at the embarrassing irrational and dogmatic arguments less-than-fully-informed religionists (or scientists) insist explain every perceptual (or scriptural) reality. Irrational explanations carry risks.

A tiny percentage of people grasp prophecies conceptually or explain them as tangible, rational answers for the real political and non-figurative events they may be. The Creator is not irrational or illogical in analogical communications to us. The sensory messages, usually in images, require that we apply our intelligence broadly to discover what we are being told.

We'll look closer at the original way to understand this sensory input of information to us, dreams. The effective way of seeing 'the eyelid movies' is in words with more plays on words within them. Dreams, and our words describing them, give us an easy regular access to a vast spiritual and creative dimension of ourselves. Some people may already be amazed how old this method is, curious as to who taught it in the past and wonder how such a method could have been 'lost' so long and remain hidden and be so distorted in its present use. That part is of lesser importance.

Methods for knowing dream’s meanings, plus some renderings, were widely taught in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa two thousand years ago. The information and method was old then, yet it was revived and given an appealing twist, the health, success and social welfare of people was a major factor in it. Then politics and opinion touched it, during the process of becoming an organized teaching.

It's being revived again with a distressing and alarming twist like Moses and Noah gave long ago. Yet the message is one where panic is unnecessary, if we respond in a considered way like Joseph did when he helped the Egyptians deal with a seven year long famine which was preceded by a seven year period of abundance. Cautions require action to avert the consequences and there is a plan, developed as a result of many dreams. Included in this are corrections for mistakes made for acclaiming the teacher and missing the lessons. No person knows all the errors, or omissions! Methods of interpretation were lost to omissions and countless political interferences in the centuries following the teaching. More were lost to ignorance, egos, political (half) truths and misinformation plus only a fragment of the key information about the method was written. In addition, there are many untruths created by spurious inclusions into scriptures . For this reason it is important to deal with prophecies and ancient history as concepts which may be flawed. The concepts usually remain intact but some shifts of meaning or perceived intent are required.

The truth exists. We can recognize it if our ability to recognize the facts aren’t impaired. Only parts of the lesson continued within the influence of those who were taught. Methods which are experiential or conceptual can be lost if the teachers are not conveying the methods to understudies, or teachers-to-be. Key information destroyed, dismissed or disposed of in the early days, originally gave the method it's real value, the understanding about dreams and foresight. It wasn’t information created in isolation nor was it ever all lost but it may as well have been. Few people now know that was a significant factor in their faith’s origin… and more importantly how to use them.

People then and now were unaware of the facts about the lesson. Remaining fragments of information were 'buried', dispersed, poisoned by misinformation, misjudged in time and timing or made heresies. (Those with the 'gold' shaped the future of the teaching, but their perception of the truth was less than the facts). Others clutch biased explanations of those occurrences to bolster their beliefs. Errors range from tenuous to untrue as they convert important lessons' words to their perceptions, and without relevance to the original teaching. The altered truth (anything other than the facts) goes back to the beginning so problems of illogical or misguided perceptions in interpretation are widespread.

Written records about the main teacher are incomplete accounts all too often biased by idolization of him. His teaching was the most significant attempt ever to teach spiritual development by using dreams and foresight as the core of his method. A well-known teacher named John of Patmos following this method left proof of his grasp of the first lessons by writing vivid dreams of future shocks titled revelations. His revelations, dreams he had in a dark cave, are now being realized if you recognize the analogies for the real events. Yet within the 'time-marked' prophecies are cautions, not things which have to happen, things which COULD happen… if inadequate or incorrect actions are taken.

Present clergy point to a prophecy showing the loss of prophecy was the way it was to be. It was the way it became, not the way it was to be. Teachers of it 2000 years ago were instrumental in its loss. Not knowing that occurred diminishes liability now, at least in their own eyes. They will have to hasten to become informed. They need to accept the Word of God is prophecy, dreams and the other means of conveying information to us. Not all of scriptures are prophecies or information derived directly from them. Derivations from anything other than the Word of God are unlikely to be acceptable to more than the indoctrinated. God’s Word does not convey dogma or doctrines. We are not required to spend time in gushing praise, simple occasional acknowledgement is enough. Living life to the fullest is the best way. Your dream content will confirm what I’m telling you.

Directive suggestions from the Creator are guidelines, rarely laws. The consequences of not following them are not judged as in a court but are more practical like if you put your hand on something hot you may get burned. Judgment relates to the lack of consideration of the physical and social consequences. Non action ('it’s God’s will') is too often a failure to apply intelligence or to act. The results are often consequences of the person’s failure to act on the considered possibilities. We have the Creator given ability to reason, so use it.

Moses tried to create what he thought were needed laws. He wasn’t helped when he tried to make them, and was given just a few guidelines. Some of his laws are invalid. He made them on his own. He also didn’t realize a prophet isn’t required to have a 100% accuracy in having prophecies come true. If he’d paid attention to Joseph’s use of dreams for the pharaoh when he took the warning of the future and put it into a practical use he’d have known. His speech impediment was not just a physical limitation.

Many clergy feel prophecy is self-explanatory. Just by reading it, anyone can understand them. If that were true everyone would understand, wouldn't you think? They don't. They are easier to understand if you train your mind to relate to the analogies. Few people have managed that. Few spend time trying to puzzle over words which were not intended to be literal. Who can show them how to see it?

So how can we relate to them? As analogies or metaphors of future events we might interpret them and the time. The analogies require careful observation and applied reasoning to see the reality. Seeing similarities or events paralleling the prophesied reality becomes irrelevant by not having a sufficient mass of other prophesied events occurring at the same time. The reality has a starting point in real life, real time, in real yet political situations even if they are stated in analogies.

Access to knowledge then was not as it is now. People believed the earth was flat then and other 'superstitions' and lack of knowledge affected their reasoning. Logic was not always clear or factual. Folklore linked fictions to reality. Reasons were not always logical, reasonable, rational, or 'connected this event to the Creator' form of analysis.

Some people cannot see a reason to keep 'logical' connected to the Creator. Consider that if logic were not part of foresight and the Creator, then physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology or astronomy could not exist as sciences to study Creation's Laws. Each tackles a region to further define creation.

Proofs are often good theories, some are found in dreams. If it wasn’t logical to find an answer relating to anything interesting us including the 'End Time' then I would not have found the deep-space dangers 'falling' towards us and be able to explain not only that I did but how to use dreams and prophecies to show how I did.

Laws of logic do not always have good answers for parts scientists do not grasp, only well-founded, yet educated guesses and theories. As much as research has advanced, parts of reality are barely known, and the theories, well, not all of them have been factual… the 'Big Bang' is a theory that recently died for its inability to supply credible answers.

A few, claiming to be scientists, expect support for conjecture and speculative theories they want accepted as valid fact or credible theory. Education or lack of it is not the deciding factor for their odd, unfactual and not infrequently irrational answers. Politics factors in, as does denial, conceit, arrogance, ego and ignorance … human shortcomings.

What no mortal counted on, a century ago, was a contemptible man (now dead) presenting a wild opinion or theory, badly undermining the prior teaching based on dreams. With no one knowledgeable or strong enough to refute or stop him the damage continued. Clergy's knowledge and ability lacked to such a degree, the original lesson was no longer known at all (most of them now don't even know the original teaching was about dreams and the use of them). Their credibility was lacking as custodians of knowledge of the method. They'd lost it. A few have found some of it since.

That personal development was an unknown tool to them. Without knowledge of it defense from a wild opinion or theory was impossible. Some clergy support that theory to the detriment of their founding beliefs. They did not hear or know their own teacher's lessons. If any knew they were not heard. They were swept aside in waves of politically motivated doubt and actions to control people within a teaching they didn’t understand. Organized religion strangled the facts if they did not fit with what they decided by opinion, decree or by committee to believe or teach.

This book is a practical, logical course to the analogies of dreams. Dreams direct us to turn to the creative Source of them. Creativity is inspired by our dreams. By knowing the Creator uses dreams to impart and disclose information to us creatively, it conveys reasons to examine them closer. We need creativity to express and develop ourselves fully. Creativity is humankind's strength. It is expressed in everything we make from art and architecture, music and machines, to tools and text. It is bolstered by our desire to learn and improve.

Religious beliefs or faiths are not required despite dreams being integral to the teaching of spiritual development and the origins of belief. Such knowledge can limit some from what they see. Others blossom with the knowledge. Yet in this time it will be people familiar with prophecies who may assist most by using that knowledge.

Dreams remind us of responsibilities, mock us for our mistakes and lapses of integrity. God's truth is constantly revealed so everyone can check, confirm and know it. (It may contain facts however as it is conceptual it can hardly be called the facts.) No tyrant can stop people from dreaming so this freedom limits repression. Reasoning and creativity grow by use of this analogical source of truth. This method can help us through hard times and hard questions.

Errors of beliefs are corrected in advance of a time of crisis. If not, foresight would not be ahead of it's time, nor such truth expanded nor solutions found.

Yet are you really ready for what you'll find? Truth and honesty can be uncomfortable if what you find varies from what you believe is true or factual. Foresight shows things in our life and future we might prefer to ignore. It presents us with the challenges in our life, challenges that supply us with not only the problem, but often the solution too.

Be ready for surprising and distressing information and answers. Facts are not a sugar coated creation, as truths can be to appeal to those whose beliefs are skewed by not knowing the facts. We'll look at realities without political truths given to appease anyone. The unvarnished truth and facts don't make everyone happy. Does your reality depend on political truths coming from religion, or popular inaccuracies, or wild theories? Can you separate conjecture from misinformation, disinformation or other untruths? Or why untruth even exists (usually for personal or political gain)?

Dreams and the foresight they contain are the most common miracles we can learn to use for ourselves and others. They're at least as common as sleep. Provided here are tools and explanations to understand them, with more than you thought they entailed. Profit with them and know the next years will require that you use them to assist you and your family through a potentially disastrous time. Discover how dreams touch our spiritual point of view repeatedly with coincidence, foresight and intuition... as the miracles of our daily life. Past words from the scientific community on the substance of dreams.

Dr. Alexis Carrel, physiologist and biologist, and Nobel Prize winner. 'The facts of prediction of the future lead to the threshold of an unseen world. They seem to point to the existence of a psychic principle capable of evolving outside the limits of our bodies.'

Professor J B Rhine, American parapsychologist (paraphrased). 'Scientific tests initiated by prophetic dreams have led to radical discoveries in basic human thought. A finding has emerged that in the personality is an aspect unbound by space and time. Its boundaries may well be beyond the limits of our present (mental) power to conceive.'

Sir Alister C Hardy, president of the zoological section of the British Association. 'The communication of one mind with another, other than through the ordinary senses, has been established, and that has passed scientific tests.' Yet we haven’t learned to enhance that ability within us, … or teach it.

With the comments of these and many others who have seen proof of the power and creativity of dreams you would think there would be more teachers directing more attention to them. Unfortunately there has been some major drawbacks caused by academics who haven’t been objective enough in their research or limited the areas of what to see.

We can build on the truth and reality we can each discover within our own dreams rather than on misinformation. I urge you to each seek logic and creativity within the analogies for your success, health and loving relationships. Discover how many people make new and significant creations affecting us all. They aren't just products of a bygone age, or just in art and music. They occur daily in different places, in countless ways, with fewer limits than most of us place on ourselves. Some dreams require greater amounts of reasoning. If you can't believe they occur this way, then watch closely. Following the sighting of the menacing object from space are other events which can be used to confirm the validity of foresight. (But don’t look to me to be a person without a few flaws and shortcomings.)

The most important thing to keep in mind as this is occurring is that I'm a lot like you. You could be doing what I'm doing, creating what I'm creating. Copy the process, create your own goals as your dreams are as creative as mine. Learn what you need to learn to complete what you're aiming to achieve. Everyone benefits.

       This excerpt is from a book of the same name due on the market soon.

       The iris or pinwheel logo seen on our pages is a symbol of hope representing the faiths of the world as rainbows from the twelve which exist now. They are Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Islam, Judaism, and Tao plus Baha'i, Jain, Shinto, Sikh and Zoroastrian. Rainbows in their seven colors represent the paths of enlightenment. The path narrows when we get closer to the Source. In the centre of this eye is the unenlightened pupil, partially reflective, which is each of us.

Mail to Alan Harmony