A Few Scriptural References.

          A collision of a "cosmic body" with our world will be the unlikely combination of both a comet and an asteroid. (Explained in the book). If they are large enough to cause trouble to all the islands1 then it would be large enough to cause major trouble to the coasts everywhere. That magnitude of disaster would entail a sudden axial shift of our world. An axial shift which could have the sun (or moon) stand still2 would be one of the perceived effects. Such an event has occurred before in history about 3350 years ago in Moses' time but apparently not to this magnitude. (Another site, undergoing a change presently, shows the shift into the Bering Sea which may be a play on the words 'bearing see' as in this may or may not be the location, we'll see the bearing it takes... later.) (So much for the first example showing how the visual may not be literal, but it is conceptual, and the actual meaning is within the words of what would describe the image.)
         What I saw was a shift in two actions of just over 14 degrees with the North polar axis relocated towards the Tamyr Penninsula of northern Russia. This is in keeping with another biblical prophecy indicating the King of the North (Russia) would be at the uttermost north (ie. pole). (The concept is identical even if the locations are quite different. Does the greater movement occur if no action is taken to avert the disaster? It's not a certainty. We do control much of our future. We are shown in dreams what needs to be controlled, and usually it's only ourselves.)

         The severity of this event is not as extreme as the event which Noah endured. In his day the axial shift was severe enough for the south polar ice mass to relocate from the position of "the last Ice Age" to where it is presently. This is also in keeping with Chinese traditions of the Earth turning end for end in an immensely disastrous time. They relate the event to a dragon, sometimes described as tien ma or tien long, also their term for a comet. Their dragon festival in May is now only remotely associated with it. This shift is also in keeping with the biblically noted division3 of the world at about that time and other records such as Piri Reis' map.4
         Noah was told that "never again will I strike down every living thing as I have done"5 yet we know that a third6 of the trees, creatures, ships and mankind are at risk in this. It would be no exaggeration to say that if the disaster were to occur as foretold then every nation in the world would be damaged. Some so severely damaged they would cease to exist. The disaster could change the world as we know it within minutes in such a large way that many people will be filled with disbelief that it could occur in such a huge way and yet leave the prudent ones alive. Scientists indicate that the possibility that in any given year that we stand a one in 6000 chance of being killed by a meteor which is a far higher possibility than being hit by a car. Does that not suggest something to you? Does the possibility sound so remote now? Does it sound like it could be so disastrous to so many of us that the risks to us are that high even without having the ability to foresee or know how impending it might be?
         How can God allow such a thing to happen? He doesn't. He ensures we are informed or warned of it happening with enough time to ensure appropriate action is taken. We have to learn what to do from what we're being shown. It is little different than being told to get off the railway tracks when a train comes. If you fail to respond it could easily be the death of you. On some events we are unable to have any influence in changing them, while others we are obliged to respond or suffer the consequences. Identifying them in advance is not always possible BUT we can identify some of them AND respond in an appropriate manner to avert or lessen any effects.
         No plan no future. Ignoring an impending disaster will not make it go away, it ensures it will happen. But why now, after all these thousands of years... How can we be sure? By recognizing prophecies being fulfilled would be a good way. The best proof would be to see these impending events yourself via dreams or from corroborating details.

         It isn't now in the sense of being this year or next. We wouldn't be ready for it if it was. We need to prepare ourselves for handling the event which is years away. Preparations for something that disastrous aren't something made at the last minute or even in the last few months. The aid required will be larger than anything in recorded history. It's to be applied both before and after the disaster. Evacuations on a massive scale will have to occur if the disaster is still on it's collision course with our world, after we have done our best at diverting it. Before that we have time to redirect from it's collision path, not by ourselves but by launching multiple missiles to nudge it in another direction or finding a new technology which works. It doesn't have to miss us by much. If it doesn't miss, something big hitting us at up to 200,000 Km/hr will create massive damage (the speed many comets and asteroids travel). If it's size and effective impact is enough to move our planet's axis a foreseen 14 degrees (or more) it is not a small meteorite.

         If it cannot be diverted everyone loses, although a few nations will gain more than they lose. Canada would stand to gain the largest amount of any nation if it occurs. Low lying countries, islands and Russia would stand to lose the most.
         We cannot just do this on the basis of taking charitable donations or government grants. It wouldn't be enough. As this program is for our protection it has to have a sound financial basis. Firstly to see if we can create the right influences to divert it. If that does not occur then the backup plan would require the aid, the food and water needed, the medical supplies (training people to do medical procedures as there won't be enough doctors), the temporary shelter, etc. And afterwards the resources to continue on until we get back on our feet again.
         There are many other considerations (including the manner in which it is done). The loss of farm lands, or change of crops, the rebuilding required for things damaged or destroyed. The reestablishment of a significant portion of our societal infrastructure isn't going to occur in a few weeks or months. It will take many years. We don't want to have to deal with nuclear pollution at the same time.

         We have to look at prophetic information as a concept. Then we reason the information to a point where we can form a cooperative plan and put appropriate and suitable actions to the plan. That way the foreseen disasters can be either diverted or diminished; or as an alternative, develop a level of preparedness which allows us to endure or survive the trying times following the collision. Our personal plan of how we individually cope is made in conjunction with that plan, not exclusive of it.
         If we fail to do this collectively some who do it for themselves may go where they are at risk, or kill or otherwise harm others in attempts to keep what they own. If we approach this on a cooperative basis more people can survive the worst of it. Speculating would be good business if we arranged our survival individually but it would not be so profitable if we dealt with our needs collectively. Look at this cooperation as a kind of insurance. Pay now, benefit later, if the worst happens. If you're so old you don't expect to see this happen then think of those who will, your children or grandchildren, your friends and associates, all the people you care about.
         With a comprehensive approach we may succeed for all of mankind rather than having just one boatload of animals and one family the focus of a plan like Noah's. (Part of his problem was that no one listened. Did he convey it well enough? Or tell of it too soon?) We can have alternate plans if any one part of the bigger, better plan fails. That way we know we would "cut our losses" if any phase of it didn't meet our objectives. We have enough time if we act now. Procrastinate and there won't be enough time. The clock is ticking.

         The weather would be unpredictable and very unruly for years following the disaster. Growing the necessary amounts of food in the same locations is not as likely to succeed and the types of crops will need to change in many locations. The climate and seasons will change. Our coastlines, indeed our entire mapping system, date-line and point from which we measure our mean time would change. If we cannot avert the disaster the Greenwich Meridian will run through the Atlantic to the coastal waters of Brazil. Mountains and new lands would rise. Some areas would subside into the waters permanently.

         Being aware of this is a beginning. Ensuring the plan is comprehensive enough is a necessity. Where do we start? First we need to learn to foresee and collectively share that information. From there we will formulate plans just as Noah knew what he needed to do. Then we need your cooperation to put such a massive undertaking in place. It requires financial support in the form of donations, bequests (as a final gesture), as well as business ventures to make enough money. Spend money with our sponsoring businesses, and it will add to the foundation aid fund.
         This plan is not something one person can implement. It requires the collective efforts of thousands with the support of millions if not billions of people. There is no possibility that just one nation could implement the program themselves without the cooperation of other nations. We have no assurance that the efforts we put into protecting ourselves from this disaster will be sufficient. What we can be assured of is that if we do nothing to protect ourselves with a practical plan, our lack of action would result in more severe casualties from the disaster.
         My ability to foresee is not unlimited. But I also see more than disastrous future events, just as anyone else does. My role in this is as a catalyst, a coordinator to direct those who have foreseen glimpses of the future, with those who need to learn how it is done, with those who want to do something about it. They need to know how to understand and how it occurs etc. To that end I have written two books explaining much of it. They will be sold, not for my benefit, to raise some of the money needed to expand the knowledge relating to foresight and inform those who profess they have no time to learn how it is done. We cannot act like ostriches with our heads buried in the sand.

         We all are born, and we all die. How we make life different and how we make our lives better is part and parcel of the creativity we each have within us. What we do with that information collectively in the next few years is part of that creativity. All of us see the future in our dreams if we pay any attention. Some of us see the future more clearly if we have learned to understand the analogies of those dreams. If we see more it's because our outlook on life and the world around us is greater. Those people will be sought out and asked to share more of themselves to the benefit of all. (I can hear those who do not recall their dreams or have learned some other way of understanding dreams make disparaging remarks. You can learn too if your mind is still open to learning. Ignorance can be overcome.)
         Life will go on afterwards and we will continue to reap what we sow. The future may be bleak. Yet it's not so bleak that we need to respond in panic. In fact if we deal with this in a timely manner we may never need to respond in panic. The disaster is not for years into the future, but that being said we don't know how many years into the future it is. Would you sooner wait until the last month or two before the alarm was sounded after detecting it and know it was certain to hit? Most people see the shortsightedness of doing that. We deserve a better plan than that and you are required to be part of it.

         Events have occurred confirming that prophecy has a reality principally in political events as they unfold. As prophet I can tell you the turning point and beginning for the "passing of a generation" was the re-creation of Israel in 19487. This means much of that generation has already gone by, and with it are many prophecies which have been fulfilled. The rest of it occurs within the passing of that generation8 or in a generation. Either way the time and timing is met.
         The alarmists who give their prognostications of disaster to occur at the turn of the century are right ... in concept, not as a precise point of time. So that this is not construed to be a "cry of 'wolf'" yet it was necessary to put some range of time to it. Scripturally we know the exact time is unknown. I have a sense of what time of year it will be, but not the exact year. We have a way of narrowing it down further than it just being within a generation. Within this time there are only a couple of decades so obviously a guess could narrow it down but would it be accurate and what is the proof to show it as accurate? I only know it will occur in my lifetime from what I have seen and I'm already older than 85% of the population.
         The Pharoah9 in Joseph's time had seven productive years to prepare for seven years of drought. We should expect at least the same time or more as the effects of this are far more extensive than a severe drought. If we do not have that much time, we'll have to move a lot faster.
         Fortunately we have some key (political) indicators to give us the time. The last significant event before the implementation of the evacuation is the war known as Armegeddon, 'har Megiddo' like Megiddo or in a wide valley like Megiddo. The war or act of aggression is a multi-headed nuclear warhead coming from the southern regions of the former Soviet Union. It is not headed to Megiddo but towards a wide valley like it. The loss of life can be minimized or eliminated if people are evacuated from where it will land. The bloodshed shown in prophecies may not be just related to that act of war, but the loss of life in the following disaster which if we do nothing will be a third of the population.

         If the time Noah had to prepare for it is seen to be overly long, yet the key to it is that he listened and responded to the plan he was given. The prolonged period of time may give us reason to understand why the people were not ready for the Flood. When it didn't happen in a shorter period of time (which they might have been ready for), they gave up on what he had been saying and went about their ways. They probably thought he was mentally unbalanced... as many people who can foresee are "written off" as "nut cases" or unstable.
         We have a tendency of doing that to people with foresight who risk letting others know too much in advance or just flat out disbelieve or not want to live believing that a threat of that magnitude was imminent. (Imagine what it does to the person who shares what they know to help others.) The outside timeframe in this is the balance of the time left in the passing of the generation. If we accept the passing of a generation as approximately 70 years then 70 years less the 49 from the creation of Israel, is 21 years. As there are other events we can see before it happens we can each confirm that it is definitely the time. You'll want to stay in touch for the smaller events because as they occur it adds to the credence of the biggest event occurring as foretold, or needing the certainty of action taken against it. The information here will be updated as often as required.
          We can only stay 'ready' for such an event for what we believe is "a reasonable time period". A period within bounds of a time frame being given at the sounding of the alarm, now. Is the range of time something you can live with... and still allow you to work meaningfully towards a resolution without panic? I hope so. It isn't just my life which depends on it.

         Whether this occurs as foretold or we divert it, this is an exercise in our personal development and as such it would be a meaningless "accident" unless we learn from it. Although our ability to foresee is rarely perfected in any one person it makes us realize we have to share the information to benefit from it. Do you want to help from the beginning or do you want others to do it for you? At some point we all have to take responsibility for the outcome... and our participation in the results we achieved.
         From sharing foresight we have to consider it in concept and create a plan which will enable us to collectively survive. If not how will we protect ourselves from the disaster? Rely on someone else? Leave it all to me? What if something happened to me? Where would you be then? At some point you may need to continue this without me (and maybe even my chief understudy.) So let's start this with the knowledge that I'm just one spoke in one wheel and this program won't work running as a unicycle with one or two spokes. As a vehicle it wouldn't hold enough people even if the spokes were strong.

         Some people with foresight are unwilling to share more than what they have seen with people or fear to say anything of what they know. We aren't that far from a time when people who could foresee were considered dangerous, or heretics, or witches. Some were burned by the ignorant. The unknowing, insensitive to such things, couldn't understand that the ability to foresee always comes from the Source known as God and no other. Their fear and intolerance harmed normal development in countries where people relied too heavily on words from a religious text. Now we need people with foresight more than ever because the potential for disaster is looming in our near future.
         Compare notes with others who have foresight. Some people who are less than well-grounded in this tend to be illogical, whimsical or irrational in their approach. Yet that being said, do not dismiss those who have not understood the analogies. Some cult leaders have shreds of the truth but not known how to apply it. If foresight was for the dreamer's benefit only we would never get the cooperation needed to prepare ourselves in advance of the disaster and prophets would be a misunderstood and quaint anachronism.
         People reading this are well grounded in logical processes. Many more people who are not reading this are in touch with analogical and conceptual thought processes. Some are as remote as the aboriginals of Australia or the native peoples of North and South America, Asia and Africa. Many of them have retained an understanding of their dreams and the conceptual meanings they contain. Not all of them relate to them in the sense of what is being conveyed here, but they relate to them.

         I won't elaborate on what I or others have seen at this point. It would be sufficient to say that the first part of this project is to get people to collectively learn to use their dreams. The second part is to provide proof of the method to show that healing can occur by using the analogical information in a logical way. To prove that significant events can be foreseen before they occur, such as earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, or an act of nuclear aggression. How about the possibility of averting an accident relating to the reentry of a shuttlecraft? We know there will be a resurrection of two people in our time10 but how, when, where, who? Keep in touch. These are interesting times.
         Dreams have been the daily means of communication to mankind by God from the beginning. Even if you do not believe in God it would be unlikely that you or anyone else can explain how dreams allow us to see future events without the input of facts or knowledge. Where did the unknown knowledge come from? Biochemical processes or genetics? Is there any sane person who thinks that our genetic material stores the content of our lifetimes' dreams? Education does not prevent ignorance in an area of unfamiliarity. We need answers from those whose ability to accept a Creator is not impaired by self-conceit or self-imposed ignorance. Some people refuse to believe any Source could exist beyond their ability to see, or detect with elaborate instrumentation and yet they continue to dream... and fail to understand.
         Many of us have lost touch with dreams or allowed others who had less than a clear understanding of them to promote their theories into a popular "truth". The important thing to learn is that we can foresee using nothing more than our dreams, contrary to Freud and other bent or limited methods of dream analysis. Possibly you didn't see the beast who had the name of a man and it was sex sex sex, 666... 11 A lot of people have been infected with his wild theory and false values, and the manifold damage continues. Take for instance how many people feel dreams have no real value or alternately think working with them expresses a less-than-well-founded endeavor. They might change their mind if their life was changed by someone giving them rational advice they could use.
         Many people ignore the advice or fail to respond. Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy and Caesar are a few of those who chose to ignore lifesaving advice. As individuals that's common, yet Jonah inspired a city to respond to his prophecy12. He was upset that they didn't suffer and had responded to his warning. He probably thought that made him a false prophet, but it absolutely does not. Remember prophecy is a caution or warning? If it wasn't a caution then what's the point, to accept the ruination? Accept the worst that happens to us because we should have to endure it? If you do then some would cynically suggest that you start a society which calls on God to destroy you and be on the shorelines to watch the surf do it. The prudent won't attend to your sudden departure to be with the Creator because that would be suicide. The Creator expects us to be guardians of our world not fools.

         In the meantime we have to see for ourselves that this ability works and that it isn't just a theory. Therefore we have time to see events within our world unfold, events which we can foresee and are sufficiently large enough for us to accept as being foreseen. I cannot convey everything here on the Internet. It requires time to put all the pieces together to make it workable for a vast number of people. It takes time to convince people that it works. It has to be convincing to more than just people who already believe. The decisionmakers within our governments cannot choose to expend the taxpayers money on developments which are potentially frivolous. They need proof too.

         We're not alone in this. The Supreme Being we have called God, Yahweh or Allah or whatever your faith deems he will be called is telling us of the future through our dreams. Be cautious of people claiming to be the return of someone important13. Mohammed indicated there would be 24-30 people making such claims. If you didn't know that there could be that many, you might be deceived by their claims. There is a messiah and/or mehdi alive in the world today but how would any of us know who he/they were? How could we recognize them? What language do they speak, what color of skin and how old are they? Keep in mind that it's unlikely they want to be identified14 so don't waste time looking. (If you want more on that you could read my original book The End of the Beginning published in 1984. It's presently out of print and will be available soon in an abridged updated version).
         We may not be ready for what we are about to hear; or for many people, what we have been hearing and seeing for a long time. That there are some stressful times ahead is an understatement. Only by using what we see in our dreams and/or visions will we enable ourselves to save our world and a large portion of people within it. The book explains a lot of it. The answers may not be what you were hoping to hear if you were expecting complete agreement with what you believe. There are many erroneous perceptions to be addressed so I'm little more than a repairman. Little I have to say is new, although it may be new to people who haven't heard it before.

         This website connects what is being said to what others have foreseen. That way you can see it isn't just my way of seeing the future or my explanations. Others have seen it too. I won't give up on you like Noah gave up on his countrymen.

         It was originally thought I could publish the book and watch the effects of people's ability increase gradually. It won't happen that way. We don't have time for it to grow at a leisurely pace. The total information is more than most people could read in a week. In a short form the crucial information could be conveyed simply in less than 15 minutes (you've got it). The necessary information relating to dreams can be learned in hours and largely perfected within a year. The rest is interesting detail expanding the understanding.
         The book includes important information about an earlier teacher of this method. You might be surprised who it was. Some of you would know instantly who it was from the opening lines of one of his lessons. In the beginning was the word... 15 The only difficulty is most people don't know what he was teaching with that opening line. It was most certainly not about himself.
         A lot of unnecessary construction was added to the original teaching by people who missed what the teaching really entailed. As a result major damage occurred. Important parts relating to the development were never written and only conveyed as an oral tradition. They were lost in Roman purges when Rome claimed the pure teachings were heresies! It shows they knew little of what had been originally taught. A lot of ignorance and misinformation were associated with the teaching but it's nothing which can't be retaught. Rome has managed to keep the people and beliefs it thought it understood together.
         Several pieces, added as foundation material later, were borrowed from pagan beliefs, some Greek some Roman. Many political implications followed the changes. Is it possible to improve on perfection by adding dogma or contorting words to mean something other than what was originally intended? Ideology does not improve the methods of learning foresight. All that ideology and dogma can achieve is a limitation. Their intent is politically motivated. There is no increase of understanding, no improvement of ability, no benefit to anyone except to those who want to control others. But the teaching is all about self-control.
         Within the first century after it had been initiated the teaching was reassembled and readjusted gradually by people who committed great injustices to the teacher, his lesson and the intent behind it. They clearly didn't understand it. Some inflicted it with flavors of their own perverse nature. The parts added to extend the original foundation look very little like the beautiful way of living the original teacher taught. That teaching was a down-to-earth peaceful Way. Members could learn to heal many ailments, foresee, rehabilitate those who had committed serious infractions of law and be in touch with the creative within them. It was the ultimate in spiritual or personal development. There are no mindless mantras, long prayers or strange rites. It's just a simple wholesome way of living and learning to use the creative resources we each have within our dreams as a guideline... an easy yoke or yoga. 16
         If the teachings continue as they are without being rebuilt or divesting themselves of political connections and influences they cannot do justice to the man who gave them originally. Such teachings are like a bird with a broken left wing or a dangerous growth on the right wing. It can't fly the way it is. Healing needs to occur. If it doesn't happen a wing is lost or it will die. Surgery is required to cut out the objectionable growths and a cast is required to reset the bones.

1 Rev 16:20 Is 41:5 Eze 26:15,18 39:6
2 Jos 10:12,13
3 Gen 10:25 Peleg is a division by water; or rift by earthquake. Pele is the word for miracle or wonder.
4 A highly accurate ancient map found in Turkey. It is so ancient it shows Antarctica's coastline, without ice, before the present "Ice Age" began there.
5 Gen 8:21
6 Rev 8:7-9
7 Dan 9:25 Seven weeks (of years) or 7 x 7 = 49 years brings us to 1997 from Israel's recreation.
8 Mat 24:34
9 Gen 41
10 Rev 11:11
11 Rev 13:18
12 Jonah 3,4
13 Mat 24:24
14 Mat 24:26
15 John 1:1
16 Mat 11:29,30

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