Angels During the Olden Times

People have been interested in angels ever since the first man was created. Often times, people have their own views of angels. In the olden times people believed that every human always has two angels by his side. The Angel of Light is the angel that enhances what is good, the Angel of Darkness promotes all evil.

According to the Dead Sea Scrolls Era, decision making reflects the strength of angels. Choosing one’s actions is a very important matter. When a person does good deeds, he strengthens the hand of his Angel of Light. If he does bad deeds, the opposite angel is pleased. For the scroll people, to long for the salvation of oneself is being one with the angels. An evil doing is an influence of the Angel of Darkness and destruction.

Angels at Present

At present, people still have views of angels. Most of the time, children have their own similar visions of angels. They usually picture angels to be girls wearing beautiful, long, bright robes or boys in white trousers and white shirts, with a halo around their heads, and wings at their backs. They usually play a flute or a violin and sing along while floating over the clouds. They live in heaven with God and they never fight.

Some children view angels as people who have died and now work in heaven. They help everyone in trouble and are always by people’s sides to take care and watch over them. They think that when a person dies, that person’s angel dies.