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Letter: Outraged over decision not to change harassment policy

by Rob Baker
received April 15, 2002

I too am outraged about the decision of the school board to not change its discrimination and harrassment policy.

I just read about another incident involving some posters belonging to Mr. Johnston while I was reading the news on the KMA web site out of Shenandoah, Iowa.

I am a 1996 graduate of South Page Schools in College Springs, Iowa. I too am gay. I look back now and wish I had the courage to do what Mr. Johnston has done and taken a stand.

I spoke out on some issues and was always known as the class liberal, but I was too afraid of my own teachers and administration to come out of the closet.

I have since relocated to Florida and enjoy a wonderful life where I can openly be myself without fear and danger.

I cannot understand how the school board could not add homosexuality to its discrimination and harrassment policy. These decision makers need to spend a week in our shoes.

My sexuality affected basically every aspect of my school career. In elementary school, I knew I was different, but not quite sure how. As I moved into middle school, I knew exactly how different I was.

Of course, there was absolutely no one to speak to on the issue in my school. The ultra, right-wing conservative base did not want to address homosexuality.

One teacher did say homosexuality is a "weird" sort of behavior when I was in seventh grade. Also, in middle school there was the issue of P.E. class and changing of clothes and showering. Not to mention extra-curricular sports.

I was scared to death to change in the locker room. Just imagine putting a straight seventh grade boy in the girls locker room and expecting him to change there! That was the embarrassment and guilt I felt in the boys locker room.

I did go out for some sports in Junior High, however, I found myself skipping and avoiding just so I could stay out of the embarrassing situations.

Then on to high school. Where everyone goes to dances and parties. I devoted myself to an after school job just so I could make reasons not to be able to attend all those dances. South Page had a policy of not allowing same sex partners to dances. Not that I would of been brave enough to bring a same sex date anyway, but it was just another reinforcement that my life was wrong.

I wish Mr. Johnston the best, and if he is reading this, please does get better! It did for me! I would also invite him or any other gay youth that needs to talk or a shoulder to lean on to use my email at any time. It is

I make my living now by speaking out and working toward advocacy. I believe in dedicating myself to help others not have to go through what South Page put me through.

Best wishes to all,
Rob Baker


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