"Why un-Believers Can't THINK"

Here's their problem...

  1. The mind can rise no higher than its criteria.
  2. Human beings cannot invent criteria greater than themselves.
  3. Only the Bible contains Transcendent Criteria.
  4. Without transcendent criteria, the un-Believer cannot anticipate consequences of choice.
  5. Un-Belief makes man his own standard of measure. [However, as with all measuring systems, a standard must be greater than the value measured.]
  6. Based on ignorance and an ego-centered carnal nature, un-Belief demotes reason to the simpleton task of excuse- making in behalf of the rule of "feelings," a glandular Lifestyle, and the need for self-justification.
  7. Un-Belief is "thinking" with glands and choosing without Transcendent Criteria.

- from MAN: The Choicemaker

The un-Believer prefers to discuss Jonah and the great fish, Noah's ark, Eve's grandchildren, walking on water, evolution-creation, and the Garden of Eden, etc. This is known as 'the pick-pocket's oldest routine': "Look at the sky - while I pick your [mental] pocket!" - so you will not focus on their very real real problems - morals, ethics, eternity, salvation, criteria, choice, consequences, glandular lifestyles, sin, guilt, Jesus, Blood, judgment, responsibility, etc. And, they call it Love! 'Scuse me.

Hoop-jumping, anyone?


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