Withered Black Rose

Well well, where to start. I always do find it difficult to talk about myself, but you did take this link so obviously you want to know something about me. I shall start by answering the two age old questions from chat...I am 21 years old and I live in Texas, although I am originally from Ontario, Canada. Now, on to something of some actual interest. I was a regular patron of l'Hotel Chat for about 2 years, until I moved to be with my wife whom I met online. Now my focus is solely on her. In that time I have used a few different names, but I am not about to go revealing my little secrets to everyone now am I...*grin*. It was in the Articulate that I met gothic reverie (now known as gothic rose) and from the beginning we felt an intense and undeniable connection. At first we had been reluctant to admit our feelings for our own reasons, but after a while we realized that doing so was an exercise in futility...we were in love, and always had been, it felt like. That may sound like so much romantic drivel, but for us it feels true. In my heart, I believe that I was made for her...that my soul and my life had been created to be with her. I am not about to tell tales of her past, but suffice it to say, she has suffered far too much for one so young. It is my belief that I was created to off-set this, to bring happiness and love into her life. I do not say this to make myself into some sort of superior angelic figure by any means. For as long as I can remember I have been restless, shall we say. Without any sort of purpose or direction in my life, but always aware that there was something missing in my life, something that I was made to accomplish. Meeting gothic helped to answer many of these questions. I do now know that my whole reason for being is to be with her, and to do whatever I can to make her happy. This is no self-sacrifice on my part, I do this for purely selfish reasons...making her happy, being with her, is all that I want out of life. That is about all that I can say about us, for the rest of it is merely details. The final truth comes down to that...I was made for her. Please read what she has written about our relationship, as she tells the story in more detail than I.

Hmmmmm, with a rambled paragraph such as that, you might get the impression that I was in love...*smile* So now I shall continue on about myself. I have discovered my true beliefs fit in with that of paganism please feel free to read what I have to say about this. I am a poet, which I'm sure you know if you have looked at my poetry link. My tastes in music tend towards gothic or heavy electronica, as well as hard rock and some 80's new wave. My favorite bands are Coil, Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson (please don't hate the music because of the silly teenage "Masonites"), but I must say that gothic rose's influence has brought me very close to The Cure as well. I guess that is all I have to say about myself. I do hope that you take the time to look over everything and that you manage to find something that interests you. Thank you for visiting my page and please, feel free to e-mail me if you have anything at all you wish to say.

Dream Of Darkness...

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