The Birth Of Love

Beneath the stars in midnight's sky,
Between the moon and sun.
I met a maid so fair and true,
My heart from me she won.

I took her soul into my own,
Its new home there it found.
Becoming part of everything,
To her I am now bound.

I offered her my life's last breath,
I volunteered my heart.
I swept her up into my arms,
Embraced we now depart.

I take her not from death to life,
Nor from sadness into glee.
But to a realm where all is all,
And everything between.

A world where life is now serene,
The sun shines high above.
And amidst this wonderous place,
'Tis her I say I love.

In joining our two hearts like this,
Our love we now prove real.
And as I am reborn as yours,
Before you now I kneel.

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