Litha 1997 Newsletter

Connecting With the Divine

By Colin

PAN Home

"My carvings (pictured above) are one way of connecting with the natural or old religion. They start with an inspiration provoked by the elements, then a drawing guided, by the hand of nature, then the carving formed by my chisel and my enthusiasm and blessed by the spirit of Gods/Goddesses. I pay homage to the sun, the moon, the universe, to the air, earth and water daily. I do not do this with a colourful majestic ceremony but with a simple hello - what a day it is today - or thank you for a nice day said at evening when the moon is showing her and the sun is going down to rest. I usually greet the day when I rise which is early morn and I greet the night when I retire. I greet the rain with the same enthusiasm for it is just as important in our cycle of life.

In the mean time the Green Man gets jealous. He too wants my attention - he too wants to be recognised and appreciated. So every once in a while for one day I will either alone or company, drive to meet the Green Man. I will go to where I feel he is. It is usually the bus hour or two drive either north, or south or west from home. There I sit and feel his presence in the air - the smell of the trees, grass, the coolness of the air or my sk see his strength, in the bough of the trees, his beauty in the flowers, his thoughtfulne providing shelter for birds and animals. Even though I have given him my attention and my appreciation as I have described, sometimes this is not enough, he insists on more.

So I pack my bags and head down south to a property about l60kms away in the busk accommodation (very basic) and horses and on the banks of a river with a waterfall. Here I stay for two days, bushwalking, meditating under the waterfall, admiring the native flowers when in bloom, frightening the snakes (or are they frightening me?) and blending wil peaceful atmosphere. Then it is on the back of a horse and off into the bush, walking, trc cantering through creeks, trails. dirt roads, no roads. Now I see a smile on the Green Man. I think he is happy, so am I, so it's Sunday afternoon, time to pack the bags and go home await the call of the Green Man to return."
