Litha 1998 Newsletter

Paganism 101 - Holiday Quiz

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Get your thinking caps on, and try our special holiday quiz. Paganism 101 will go back to a discussion style column in the next newsletter, where we will begin to look at the elements.

  1. What is the title of Fiona Horne's book about Australian Paganism?

  2. What does 'deosil' mean?

  3. What date is Beltane most commonly celebrated on in the Northern Hemisphere?

  4. What is a besom?

  5. Poseidon is the God of?

  6. People who follow the Northern European Pagan traditions (e.g. Norse or Icelandic) are usually called?

  7. What does this word, used to describe the followers of Northern European Paganism, mean?

  8. What is the Wiccan Rede?

  9. What is the 'aphelion'?

  10. What do the letters 'OBOD' stand for?

  11. What are the 'cardinal directions'?

  12. CAW stands for?

  13. The colour most commonly associated with the element of water is?

  14. Wicca can trace it's modern origins back to?

  15. A second full moon in the same month is called?

  16. Gold is known as who's metal?

  17. How many cards are there in the Major Arcana of the Tarot?

  18. A gathering to celebrate the full moon is sometimes called an?

  19. The Autumn Equinox is also known as?

  20. Who wrote the original 'Charge of the Goddess'?

  21. The Icelandic sagas are known as the?

  22. Brigid is the Celtic Goddess of?

  23. The Romans called him Jupiter, the Greeks know him as?

  24. When the moon is growing from new to full moon, it is said to be?

  25. In which year was the Pagan Alliance founded?

  26. The word 'Pagan' means?

  27. The egg is a symbol of?

  28. Diana is the Goddess of?

  29. What is the fifth element associated with?

  30. Ma'at is the Egyptian Goddess of?


Quiz answers below.











Holiday Quiz Answers

  1. "Witch, A Personal Journey"
  2. Sun wise (clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, anti-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere)
  3. 1st May
  4. A ritual broom
  5. The Sea
  6. Asatruar
  7. 'True to the Gods'
  8. 'An it harm none, do what thou wilt'
  9. It is when the earth is furthest from the sun.
  10. The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids
  11. The four compass points (i.e., North, South, East and West)
  12. Church of All Worlds
  13. Blue
  14. Gerald Gardner
  15. A blue moon
  16. The Sun
  17. 22
  18. Esbat
  19. Mabon (although other traditions may have other names for this festival)
  20. Doreen Valentine
  21. The Eddas
  22. Healers, poets, smiths, inspiration and childbirth
  23. Zeus
  24. Waxing
  25. 1991
  26. Country dweller
  27. Rebirth at the Spring Equinox
  28. The Hunt
  29. Spirit (or Akasha)
  30. Truth
