Sahmain 1999 Newsletter

Paganism 101 - The Moon

by Adrianne Harris

PAN Home

Watching the moon
at dawn,
Solitary, mid-sky,
I knew myself completely:
No part left out.
(Izumi Shikibu)

The moon is an important symbol in the Pagan worldview. It is also important to astrologers, Wiccans, Witches, eco-Pagans, as well as many solitary Pagans and others. The moon has a great influence on the earth, and has a major influence on the tides. When we catch a sight of the full moon, it is hard not to stop, and watch and ask for a blessing. Lets take a very brief look at some of the meanings associated with the phases of the moon.

Waxing Moon
The moon is said to be waxing, during the period immediately after the new moon is born and for two weeks after this until the moon is full. The waxing moon is used to perform magick associated with increase, fertility, success. Because the moon appears to be growing, any rituals and meditations on that aspect are appropriate.

Waning Moon
The moon is said to be waning immediately after the full moon, to the point of the dark of the moon. The waning moon is used to perform magick associated with introspection, reviewing and fine tuning details of plans, banishing, releasing, undoing, receding, weight loss. Because the moon appears to be disappearing, any reducing rituals or magic are appropriate.

A chant for all phases of the moon
Full moon, maiden moon,
maiden, mother, crone
Full moon, mother moon,
maiden, mother, crone
Full moon, crone moon,
maiden, mother, crone

Moon planting
"Cut all things or gather, the moon on the wane,
But sow in increasing, or give it its bane"

One of Tussers ‘Five hundred points of good husbandry'

Full Moon
Before the change, three days
After the change, three days
(I ching)

The ritual known as ‘Drawing Down the moon’ is performed when the moon is full. This is a time when Witches and Wiccans and others traditionally meet to celebrate the aspects of the full moon. It is a time of celebration, of harvesting and of being whole.

New Moon/Dark Moon
The new moon and dark moon points in the lunar cycle last only for an instant. But their influence lasts throughout the waxing or waning period in the cycle.

The new moon is used to perform magick associated with new beginnings, projects, attraction, drawing influences towards you. Magick is directed outwards.

The dark moon is used to perform magick associated with banishing and release. New projects are not started while to moon is dark.

Making Friends with the Full Moon
(Ritual taken from 'Good Magic' by Marina Medici, MacMillan Publishing, London 1988)
If you are one of those people who become always edgy and impossible when the time of the full moon comes, but on the other hand, also feel you would really like to learn to use its power - try following these suggestions. Starting with the first quarter of the moon, find yourself a moonstone (can be a ring, some earrings, a pendant - or even just a lose stone which you will carry around in a small, soft pouch on your body), and wear it, day and night, until the moon comes to the full. The moonstone alone will be working on your subtle energies putting you in harmony with the energy of the moon. It is likely that during this period of influence of the moonstone you will notice some strange things about yourself. Perhaps you have always been a gregarious person, liking big companies of friends with lots of fun and laughter - and now suddenly you find yourself spending more and more time on your own. Perhaps you have always liked a certain kind of music and now you find a curiosity and an interest growing for a different one. Indulge these new developments of your personalities as much as you can - you can only be enriched by discovering a different side to yourself. As the moon grows and is approaching its fullness, take a little time out each evening, perhaps just before going to bed, to make yourself an infusion of chamomile (or another herb) and to sit under the sky, either in the garden or balcony, or open window, absorbing the light of the moon. You are not to do anything - no words to repeat, no actions to perform. Just sit there under the moon, and let her embrace you in her cool silvery scent. Just for a few minutes, do nothing, but be with her every night. By the time the moon is full again, you will be ready to welcome her power and use it in your magical practices.

Therefore the peaceful Druids, as still as ghosts upon bare feet, prayed:

Be not dismayed.
The human soul comes from elsewhere,
becomes again
a body in other flesh.

It survives Rome and the death of winter.

As the mistletoe blooms only in the snow,
falls only to gold
and drops only into this holy priestess's pure linen cloth,
it brings us all a promise of renewal.

It promises to all a New Year.
It beckons to all a return this night of all
the dear, departed souls
who once lived beside us here, in our Gaul.

It signals to you and me the immortal life of man and
his continuous renewal.

It announces again the victory of man,
not over Rome
but over death.

This night our priestess becomes the Moon.
She will rise now and escort the
souls who await reincarnation
back upon our sacred earth again.

Edouard Schure
La Druidesse, 1904
