Yule 1997 Newsletter

Meaning of the Sabbat

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Yule is the traditionally celebrated at the time of the Winter Solstice which occurs each year on or around the 20th - 23rd June. Here we stand in the depth of Winter. Life is at rest, the earth is at rest, the God is protecting that warmth which is left. Whilst at the solstice, we an still expect the weather to get colder, we can now look forward to the days getting longer. The wheel turns continuously, we are never stuck in one place for long. It is the time when the Great Earth Mother gves birth to the New Sun God, and we can celebrate the sun's return to the world.

The Yule tree is a traditional symbol. It is usually an evergreen, which reminds us that life will return, that the earth will not be a cold and seemingly barren place for long. Sometimes a fruit tree was used, the fruit being symbolic of the triumph of life after death. Another symbol is the Yule Log. Decorations can be pods, tree symbols, apples, suns or wheels. Imagination is the key. This is traditionally lit from the remains of last winters Yule Log. It is symbolic of light returning. It is often decorated and wishes are made upon it before burning.

Gift giving should be made with love and with reverence. It would be a loving gesture to give food or blankets to a charitable body. It would also be a loving gesture to give something by way of offerings to the earth.
