Gita Satsang Homepage
Dedicated to Sage
 The celebrated author and father figure not just in the story of the Mahabharata, but in the entire cultural milieu of Hinduism. The prolific nature of his writings transcends, in quantum alone, not to speak of its qualitative impact, that of any writer in any language in the total history of mankind. Vedavyasa has skillfully organized a Hindu Philosophical Course with both theoretical and applied components. The philosophical concepts were discussed in Bhagvad Gita. The practical aspects were dramatized in Mahabharat and also in Puranas. Characters of episodes in Mahabharat andPuranas have served as role models to educate Dharma and Values conceptualized in Gita. Vyasa knew that uniform ethical behavior (dharma) was necessary to protect law and order in the society. Yudhistra, the hero of Mahabharat rigorously obeyed Hindu Dharma and Values and portrayed 'Good.' Dhruyodhana, the villain embodied Adharma (opposite of Dharma) and depicted 'Evil.' The genius in Vyasa has composed an objective Gita, a subjective Mahabharat together with an informative volume of 18 Puranas. Thus Vyasa established and revived Hindu Dharma and Hindu Values. Vedavyasa, one of the greatest intellect, had the VISION to protect and preserve the Vedic Culture and Civilization. He completed this monumental task using utmost care with an artistic perfection. Moral standards and Values of the Vedic Civilization, established by great sages such as Vedavyasa are responsible for the survival of this great civilization in spite of foreign aggressions and cultural and religious revolutions. Because of Vyasa's mission, Hinduism remains Tall and Healthy Today.

 Gita Satsang has been in Progress from the New Millennium

Madhava Turumella coordinates the Gita Satsang which started from 1 January 2000 ably assisted by a team of volunteers. This team of Karma Yogis are presenting and discussing verses of Bhagawad Gita text with original commentaries of Adi Shankara, Swami Chinmayanandaji, Swamy Ranganadhanandaji, Swamy Dayanandaji, and others.
Every Monday (starting day of the week), Madhavaji posts the Gita text along with commentaries with the subject line: Bhagawad Gita - Ch x (xx - xx)
Members share there thoughts and experiences through questions and answers during Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Members also send excerpts from commentaries of Bhagawad Gita that inspired them, or the comment that they thought very important, or something that they like to share with other Satsang members from Bhagawad Gita.
A brief review of the weeks discussions are posted by the coordinator on Sunday.
MODERATION: At present all the mails that are sent to the list directly go to the list. How ever, list moderators, upon their discretion, may restrict the permission to posting on individual member basis, in case they think such an act is necessary.
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