LOVING XLENT  (a Frank 'N Furter story)

A  short knock on the door, that must be Filph.  "Master, the Old Queen is waiting for you."
The sixteen year old boy, wearing stockings and high heels, and  the girl in the room panic.  She may not know.  The boy looks around, where could he hide his girlfriend?  But the girl already lays under his bed, hoping not to be found.
He clears his throat and stands up. "Enter."
Filph swings the doors open and there she stands, his mother and the Queen of this planet.  He walks up to her and kisses the tops of her fingers. "Goodmorning dear Mother and Queen."
The woman smiles.  "Get up Frank. We need to talk."
She waves  the servants away and sits  down on the bed which almost collapses  under her weight. Frank sees  it and hopes the girl hidding under it, would still be alive when his mother stands up.
The Great Furter signs her son to sit next to her. He does.
For a while, she just looks at him without speaking. Then she spoke: "Like most Transylvanian, Furters in particular, you have a healthy sexlife. But you are young and .. well, I could say innocent in a way. You are at the age you mistake lust for love."
Frank uncomfortably plucks his fishnet. "I know the difference.." The Queen holds  up her hand in order to stop him from going on. "You may think you know son, but do you really? Love is for fools, Lust is for Furters. And as a Furter your life will always be filled with lust from many, but only with love from one. The one who gave you life, and not the one who gives life to others. Am I clear?" Frank doesn't answer. He just stares into space.
The Queen realises it is too late, her son had fallen in love already.
"Who is she?" she askes.
"XLent..." the boy sighes.
The Queen doesn't  know who this is, but is sure of one thing. "Well XLent, I order you to show yourself."
"You dare ignoring the Queens orders?"
A tiny voice comes from beneath the bed. "No Great Furter, no,  but I can't move..." The Queen stands  up and the girl crawls up. She is very nervous so when she bows for the Queen, it isn't done the way she was taught.
Frank puts his arm around her and smiles proudly. "Mother, this is XLent and we plan to get married."
For a moment the Great Furter looks at them as if they had done an indecent proposal. Then she put her head in her neck and laughs loudly. "How oldfashioned of you! I'd be surprised if you'd even found someone who cóuld marry you.. But seriously. No such thing can happen ofcourse."
She looks at XLent. "Tell me who you are child."
"I'm the daughter of  QT, who works on the Earth project, Great Furter." The Queen nodds. "Yes. And do you know who your father is, dear?" Surprised about this question she shakes her head. "No, ofcourse not! ..Great Furter." A satisfied smile sets around the Queens mouth. "And do you know why?" The girl puts her eyes down. Frank didn't like the way his mother tried to get her way. He straightens his back and with all the arrogance he could find he says: "This has nothing to do with other Transylvanian. We respect the lustings of them but we choose to be together on a higher level. We love eachother."
Again the Old Queen burst into laughter. "It's so sweet to see you like this. So idealistic. You realise ofcourse, marriage is a savage Earth tradition, to honour their  God, from who we have proven thousands of years ago already, he doesn't excist."
"That's just a matter of opinion. And people don't marry just because of a so-called God. They want to prove their love upon eachother and that is what we are going to do."
Such  stubernness the Queen couldn't fight and she decides to handle it differently. "Have you fucked already?" Frank laughs. "Ofcourse Ma! I ám a Furter!"
"And you want to be absolutely faithfull to her, never to cheat, never to have another taste.. another gender? You think you are able to do that?" Before he can answer XLent does. She takes a step forward. "If that was what we 'd promise eachother, I 'm sure he would be. But we won't. We will both have our affairs.  No one can expect Transylvanian to stick to just one person. It's not our nature. By marrying we show eachother our lóve, not our lust. And we will live the Transylvanian way, just like you want us to."
Pensive the Great Furter looks at the two kids. She turns around and says: "True love lives upon time and  overcomes all inconfenionces, like distance and death. If you can prove your love to me, I 'll bless you and your marriage."  Then she  walks out.

In the conferenceroom the Queen calls in her most faithfull servant, Riffraff and gives him orders.
"Kill the girl and asure yourself it looks like an accident. Then start the preparation of  Prince Frank  'N Furter for his mission on Earth. I don't want my son to go there like a fool who 'believes' in love. I trust you 'll do it right."

Transylvanian CyberSpace