
ATA TELLS THE STORY OF OUR PROGRESS. We collect data to measure progress, make decsions, look for answers, even to find the questions we need to ask. We can and should collect data on several aspects of our work. We should collect data to measure academic growth and progess toward behavioral objectives.

The Data Driven Reform Network is a catalog of resources addressing using data to drive and inform school change. The materials are organized into the following categories: accountability systems; analyzing school data; building capacity for data use; standards-based instruction; standardized testing; state standards; success indicators; public engagement; technology; and school, district, and state report cards. It is a good overview of the basics of data based school reform.

Project Para from the University of Nebraska has an excellent lesson on data collection.

The National Center on Student Progress Monitoring shows scientifically based practice used to assess students' academic performance and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. Progress monitoring can be implemented with individual students or an entire class. The site has a searchable web library, tools, discussions and more!

Let An Introduction to Data-Based Decision Making give you a great overview of using data to make educational decisions.

Mark Wallin's is a wonderful site. This section on data collection outlines the three keys to data collection and has tips and sample data collection sheets. Thank you, Mark!

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