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What's a day in Vancouver ??

Woke up at 7am, do some exercise, stretching, then rope skipping for 200, increase 25 each day, at the same time, listen to the CTS news from Taiwan to know what happened in Taiwan the day before. Done with exercise, take a break, then cook my breakfast.

When I feel sweating, time for a shower. Wow... after such a refreshing, time to enjoy my breakfast and head for my day !

It's a bit hot here these days, actually it's hot in living room only, where all my stuff is (computer, TV, stereo), heat drives me to hide in bedroom, so I did and fell in asleep. Ha.. what a pig. OK OK, I will read some books till I feel cooler.

If it's OK, I will surf on net, read more news and books from net, listen to my favorite "the Phantom of the Opera" till I feel hungry for lunch.

Then everything is the same in the afternoon, till the sun finally wants to rest.

During 6pm-9pm, time to watch taiwan's stock market.

When the sky becomes dark, time to water the lawn and flowers in the frontyard, trimming, take care of my lovely plants and trees, then cook dinner, have dinner and watch some soap operas on TV.

Time flies so fast, 11pm, time to sleep.

Good night, see you tomorrow.


what I do during weekends ?? shopping, planning to visit places in remote areas, i.e. beaches, mountains, hiking, etc.. Wow.. speaking of hiking, to Grouse Mountain, it'll take me 2 hours plus determination to complete the journey, oh it's tough and hard task.

Computer + English

these two things are something I can provide help to others, so I become idols of teen neighbors and helper for neighbors and landlord, I help them fix their computer, I interpret for them, be their volunteer English & Computer tutor. Helping people is always something fun, try it then you will be addicted to it.

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