
I know that the links are borken, and I am really sorry for it. Since I formatted my computer and didn't make much backups I lost the executable and the source code for the progam, so I cannot upload them again :(

If anyone happens to have the program, please please please email it to me -


Download type A (full version) - For all users

This file is the whole installation program, with needed dll's.
File Name: cGenerator32.exe
File Size: 2,075,136 bytes (1.97 MB)
File Type: WinZip self extractor (which is running the installtion program)
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Download type B (No dll's version) - For advanced users only

This file is just copying the software's file. No installation program, no Dll's. So what's the gain here? This file is taking much less diskspace, so the download time is much shorter. Advanced users: if you choose to download this file, make sure you have all of the following dll's: comctl32.ocx, comct232.ocx, mci32.ocx, msvbvm50.dll, StdOle2.tlb, OleAut32.dll, OlePro32.dll, AsycFilt.dll, Ctl3d32.dll, ComCat.dll. If one/more of the files are missing, download the whole instllation program.
File Name: Gen32nodll.exe
File Size: 172,032 bytes (168K)
File Type: WinZip self extractor without installtion program.
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