Last updated: January 27, 2000
Here is a place where you can check out what's new with Andreea. If you find out any news about her that is not listed, please E-mail me.

27 January 2000 - The Romanian women's Olympic Team (Simona Amanar, Loredana Boboc, Andreea Isarescu, Maria Olaru, Claudia Presecan, Andreea Raducan) was named "Team of the Year" by Romanian Sports Press Association.

15 October 2000 - The Romanian women returned to their hometown in the past month, and were excitedly greeted by their family and fans. Each member of the team will receive a Ford Ka car for their gold medal-winning performances in Sydney. It has been said that the Romanian medalists under 18 (including Isa) will not be able to receive their Olympic prize money until they turn 18. The ROC has placed their money in an International bank in Romania.

Returning to Deva were the medal-winning women, greeted by over 1000 people. In downtown Deva they stopped where each girl addressed the crowd. The mayor of Deva gave the women and their coaches a huge cake and lots of sausage!

17 September 2000 - As you probably know, the 2000 Sydney Olympics are currently underway! Here is a schedule of the women's gymnastics:
Sunday 9/17 - Team Competition Prelims, 7:00-12:00 NBC
Tuesday 9/19 - Team Competition Finals, 7:00-12:00 NBC
Thursday 9/21 - All Around, 7:00-12:00 NBC
Sunday 9/24 - Vault & Uneven Bars Final, 7:00-12:00 NBC
Monday 9/25 - Balance Beam & Floor Exercise Final, 7:00-12:00 NBC

28 August 2000 - Sorry for the lack of news. I was away the past weekend in Ocean City. Future updates will (hopefully!) be more regular. Well, I've just received the news that the Romanians will be leaving for Sydney on Friday, September 1. That's all the Sydney news for now. Be ready for more.

10 August 2000 - The Romanian olympic team has been announced! Andreea is on the team! Here's a list of the team:
1. Amanar
2. Raducan
3. Isarescu
4. Olaru
5. Presecan
6. Boboc
alt. Ulmeanu


7 August 2000 - The Romanian Nationals took place August 4-6..Andreea did well, she finished third all around behind Simona Amanar and Andreea Raducan (tied for first). Andreea finished third on vault and second on bars. Here's what head coach Octavian Belu had to say: "This was a very interesting competition and very useful for our Olympic preparation. The important this is that we got a chance to see all 7 gymnasts we are interested in compete on all 4 events for 2 days in a row. Overall, we noticed all of them are looking better! Of course, this will be followed by 2 weeks of fire (ie intensive training) at Deva, and then a 2-week accommodation period in Sydney where we (Belu & Bitang) will announce the Olympic team. We will decide who the 6 team members are, and especially what events each one of them will compete on. As far Maria Olaru is concerned, it's obvious her new responsibility of team leader is hard to deal with! It will be a very difficult competition for her, but for now her current performance was satisfactory. She will need to show a lot self-control, and if she can prove she can face the pressure, like she did in Tianjin, everything will turn out just fine!"

17 July 2000 - A Romania-France-Spain Tri-Meet will be held on July 21-23 in Hyeres, France. The line-up for Romania is: Simona Amanar, Andreea Raducan, Maria Olaru, Andreea Isarescu, Loredana Boboc, Andreea Ulmeanu, and Claudia Presecan. Results will follow shortly after the competition.

28 June 2000 - Andreea, along with Andreea Raducan, Loredana Boboc, Andreea Ulmeanu, and Claudia Presecan represented Romania at the Spain-Romania-Great Britain-Ukraine meet in Madrid. Andreea finished 10th all-around and first team. Congrats to Andreea Raducan who came in first in the all-around.

19 May 2000 - As you know, Andreea recently competed in the 2000 Euros in Paris. Romania as a team got the bronze. Andreea came in fourth on uneven bars with a score of 9.725. Hopefully I will have pictures up soon of this event!

29 April 2000 - The 2000 Europeans are coming up! Andreea, along with Simona Amanar, Loredana Boboc, Maria Olaru, and Andreea Raducan (seniors) will be competing. May 12 is the team competition, May 13 is the all-around competition, and May 14 is the event finals. I'll keep you posted about this exciting event!

28 April 2000 - Recently, Andreea participated in the 2000 International Championships of Romania in Ploiesti. Joined by Olaru, Amanar, Raducan, and Boboc, Andreea did well, performing on BB and FX. In the all-around competition, Andreea finished 4th all around! Much thanks go to Rodica Listea for this info.
