Hgeocities.com/Baja/Outback/3574/testrun.htmlgeocities.com/Baja/Outback/3574/testrun.htmldelayedxH\JPx'OKtext/html j'b.HTue, 13 Oct 2009 10:47:31 GMT 3Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *H\J' Test Runs #1 and #2
Test Runs #1 and #2
This is the first time we had the samurai out of the garage since we got it. We were so eager to take it out that we didn't even have the shocks in yet. We figured that we'd take it for a spin around the block to see how (and if) everything worked. After a quick cruise around the block we decided to see what kind of articulation we could get by driving into the small ditch in the back alley. As you can see by the pictures we almost ended up rolling it on its side. Luckily Dave grabbed the backend as it was rising and managed to hold it down to keep it from tipping over. I got out and we both stood back to admire our work with the samurai tipped at a slightly alarming rate. Let's just say that it would have sucked huuuugggge to have dumped it on its side on the first time we drove it.
Anyway, I jumped back in threw it in reverse and it crawled out like it was nothing. It wasn't until after that we realized we didn't even look at the lev-o-gauge to see what kind of angle it was on. Oh well, I'm sure there will be other opportunities.
Since we wanted to stay close to home we decided to take a little trek to a local park to see if we could find anything cool to play on. At this point we had gotten shocks and put them on so we thought we'd try to drive up onto this rock to see if we could hit the limits of the shocks.
These two pictures were taken at a nearby construction site. Check out how huge the samurai looks in the first picture. Also, check out the articulation in the second picture. We maxed out the shocks on that one, can't wait to extend those shock towers...
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