Hgeocities.com/Baja/Trails/5940/teeth.htmlgeocities.com/Baja/Trails/5940/teeth.htmldelayedx;JpdOKtext/html jb.HSat, 06 Oct 2001 04:21:59 GMT1dMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *;J V o i d


I got my 4 teeth pulled this morning. I was surprised, the second I got in the chair they shoved a mask on my nose and stared to have me breath laughing gas.

I couldnt tell if much was going on but then I started to feel kind of limp and lazy (what else is new) and my fingers and toes started to tingle. Then they sprayed my arm with this cold stuff. If you have ever had a bottle of compressed air and turned it up side down and shot the liquid out of it onto exposed skin, thats when it felt like. Then he stuck the iv into my arm, which I barely felt, then the Doctor, said "ok Scott, within the next 30 seconds the liquid in this iv will run up your blood stream and into your pleasure sensors of your brain, within seconds after that you will be asleep."

Of course I was thinking 'HA yea right what the hell does this guy know.' then before I knew it I was asleep.

I dont think I knew I was asleep.

I just remember waking up, with a ton of gauze in my mouth. They took me to this bed, which I laid back down and fell back to sleep for about half an hour, then they let me go.

I dont really remember walking back to the car, but my mom said I was acting like a freak, all doped up and all, making these crazy comments, and kinda running into walls, apparently I asked her for the keys to the car.

After getting to the car, I sat down and fell asleep instantly then awoke at home. That was at 8.00 AM, the whole ordeal only took about an hour. Now it is 8.30 PM here and my mouth doesnt even hurt, in fact my legs hurt more than my mouth does. ( I have a condition known as Osgood-Schlatter Disease, find more about it here. it is getting better though )

I do somewhat expect my mouth to be worse tomorrow and what not, but I am happy that I have it over with.

This being my first surgery of any kind, or any major visit to a doctor for that matter, I have never broken a bone, never gotten stitches. ( this is my first time, there are some in the back of my mouth ) I am extremely thankful that they were only cutting open the back part of my mouth, and not my fucking chest cavity to do heart or lung work. Thats down right scary stuff.