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Due to excessive daily spam, I have closed my guestbook. If you have any suggestions for my homepage, please fill in the feedback form.


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Due to excessive daily spam in my guestbook, and no way to stop it with geocities, I have decided to close the guestbook feature down. If you'd like to read what people said previously, you're welcome to view my guestbook archive. Thank you.

Thanks go out to for hosting my homepage. Thanks also to...

and anyone else whose graphics, sounds, or other features I have used here.

This page was first created on 8 May 2002, and last edited on 19 May 2006.
At the moment, your computer says the date is .

This site has been optimized for Internet Explorer. Netscape users won't have blue scrollbars.

"Star Trek" & related materials TM & © 2006, . All rights reserved. No infringement intended.

In other words, Paramount owns most of the stuff on this site. Viacom owns Paramount. Whoever owns Viacom must be a Ferengi.
I've borrowed their stuff for our enjoyment, I make no money from it.....unfortunately. Guess my lobes are standard Hew-mon size.

Live long and prosper,
Bec AboutMe  

"Bec's Trek Page" © 2002-2006 Rebecca Smith