A Series of Studies by the late Dr. Henry Grube


It has always been God's method to use men to carry a message or produce a movement. God gives the burden, the vision, the call, for a work to A man. The man, used as a leader, gathers the people around him to go forward in the work of God. This has been God's plan. Illustrations of this are seen in the way God used Abraham, Moses Nehemiah, Paul, etc. In secular history, it has always been the same. Movements such as The Protestant Reformation, The Wesley Revival, Youth For Christ, The proclamation of The Grace of God, all were centered and are centered around individuals. It is the duty of the leader to follow the Lord and the blessing comes to the people as they follow God's plan.

        He is the Apostle TO the Gentiles. (Acts 9:15)
He is the Apostle OF the Mystery. (Romans 16:25 )
He is the Apostle FOR The Church. ( In his letters to the seven Gentile Churches, he makes it clear that his epistles
constitute the rules and regulations for The Church, The Body of Christ, see note in (the old) Scofield Reference
Bible, page 1189

From a careful reading of Philippians 3:4-5, we conclude his parents were very religious, and probably named him after King Saul, who also was from the tribe of Benjamin, and they were proud to be of Israel, ( not necessarily Abraham, nor Isaac, nor Jacob, but Israel).

        He was without a doubt a strict legalist, (Acts 26:4-5), and a proud Pharisee, (Philippians 3:4-5). He was sincere, but at that, sincerely wrong.

        He was a Jew…..and yet a Roman Citizen, Acts 16:37, Acts 21:39).
        He was well educated, and worked at a trade, (Acts 22:1-4), and deeply religious, (Galatians 1:13).

Probably a small, and weak man physically, ( II Corinthians 10:10, II Cor. 12:7), and perhaps had eye trouble, (Galatians 4:14-15, Gal. 6:11), and in all probability, seldom traveled alone, (Acts 17:14-16).

In every Bible Study, there should be :
        The Interpretation.
        The Application.

In this study, we should certainly learn the lesson, that whereas God may not use us AS he used Paul, we can expect Him to use us. Paul was not used because he was noble, religious, and of a brilliant intellect. Nor did God refrain from using him because of physical deformity. God chooses and uses men as he will. He has a plan and a purpose, and a program for your life, ( Romans 11 and 12 ). May God give you the Grace to teild yourself to His service.


Second in a series on PAUL IN HIS EPISTLES

Acts 9

INTRODUCTION : If Moses was the central figure of the Old Testament, then certainly Paul is the central figure of the New. This does not mean that we place Paul above the Lord. Of course not !! We compare no man with Christ. We speak of Paul as being the central figure, only in a relative sense, in comparison with other men.

THE SETTING : Stephen had just died. The first persecution of the followers of Christ was just beginning in all its fury, and it was Saul, the Antagonist, who takes the initiative. But he is arrested by the Lord Jesus, he is sent to Ananias, and then becomes an Ambassador for Christ. This, briefly, is the story of Saul, who became Paul.

THE SUPERNATURAL CONVERSION : what the call was to Israel, the conversion of Saul is to The Church. It perhaps could have been the beginning of The Church, The Body of Christ. Some feel the Scriptures so teach and they may be right. His conversion can be seen as a type of the Salvation of Israel, also the picture of the Church, The Body of Christ. ( Saved in the state of rebellion, and saved by the personal appearance of the Lord Jesus, so will Israel be saved when the Lord returns to earth), (Romans 9-11).

( One Apostle, both Jew and Roman, saved outside of Jerusalem, he becomes a type of The Church, being composed of Jew and Gentile, both in One Body, (Ephesians 2). We have often wondered who Prayed for Saul ? Who preached to him ? Who pled with him?

THE SIGNIFICANT LESSONS FROM HIS CONVERSION : Saul was sincere, but sincerely wrong. I Timothy 1:15 does not mean "worse". Philippians 3:4-6 indicates his sincerity. When a man is wrong in his BELIEF, then he is wrong in his BEHAVIOR..
There came a Light to one who was in darkness.
A man dead in sins, heard the voice of the Living Christ !
A finite creature met the Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent One, The Lord of Creation !
The sinner surrenders to The Saviour, and in essence this is Salvation, this is conversion.
The rebellious sinner, becomes a representative Saint ! If Peter represents the Christian in the flesh, and John, the Christian in love, then, Paul represents the Christian risen and seated with Christ in Heaven.

CONCLUSION : Saul was no spectator…..nor did he speak of what others said about Christ. HE MET THE LORD.
Christ Died – Historical Fact
For my sins- Doctrinal truth
According to Scripture- Prophetic Fulfillment
Can you say the same ? Have you actually experienced meeting and knowing Christ?
Have you really experienced trusting Him ?

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