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(1). No earthly tabernacle (i.e. bldg.) worship.

(2). No stated meetings or assemblings.

(3). No ordinances of Divine Service.

(4). No earthly mediator(s) between God and man.

(5). No clergy-laity hierarchy.

(6). No tithes and offerings.

(7). No water baptism.

(8). No Lord's Supper.

(9). No Foreign Missionaries.

(10).No speaking in tongues.

(11).No faith healers.

(12).No sign gifts of The Holy Spirit.

(13).No holy day observances.

(14).No open,audible,praying.

(15).No Sabbath or Sunday keeping.

(16).No earthly corporate unity.

(17).No latter day revelations.

(18).No latter day (fore-telling) prophets.

(19).No Great Commission to evangelize the world.

(2O).No denominational membership.

(21).No allegiance to any human government.

(22).No military sevice obligation to any human government.

(23).No political affiliation.

(24).No jury duty obligation.

(25).No forbidden foods.

(26).No long hair styles for males.

(27).No giving of flattering titles--to anyone.

(28).No form or degree of asceticism.

(29).No divorce of "the saved".

(30).No Secret Orders,e.g.The Masonic Lodge,Moose,Elks,Fraternities,Sororities..

This author,has detailed studies on each of the foregoing items,that were ALL established "de-jure" at "THE RENTING OF THE TEMPLE VEIL",at Calvary,when by the literal land symbolic "renting"of His Divine Flesh,He "opened up" The Holiest of Holies,THIS SIGNIFYING "A NEW AND LIVING WAY TO WORSHIP GOD",SOLELY,"IN THE HEAVENLIES",Heb 1O:19,2O. In Heb Ch 9,we find that (all) temple (i.e.all building) worship,was totally abolished,including ALL of it's former Ordinances of Divine Service, and "multiple,intermediary,human clergy",to administer them. 1 Tim 2:5 "FOR THERE (NOW) ONE GOD,AND (ONE MEDIATOR),BETWEEN GOD AND MAN")---THE MAN,CHRIST JESUS". We need no longer "go to a bldg",and have (a self-appointed clergy),tell us what God wants us to hear. (Now) we go directly to God. Through the one and only permissable mediator,between God and man. "THE MAN,CHRIST JESUS". All other "mediators"are now undispensational. "GOD.NO LONGER DWELLS IN (BLDGS, MADE WITH HANDS)",Acts 17:24,25,25, Heb 9:24 Why attend or support ANY?


Harry's Web Site:

Harry's Rightly Divided Bible: The Rightly Divided Bible

The invitation is open to call, write, E-mail, or visit--anytime.

Yours, In Christ's One Body

Harry T Wellington
405 S Brassie Dr
Payson, AZ 85541
Ph 1-928-474-0398 (Please note: Some callers may have to use the *82 prefix; some may not, for some strange reason.)

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