edited by
James Duvall, M. A.
A List of Sundry Bones collected by William Clark at the Big Bone Lick in Kentucky,
and sent by the way of New Orleans to the President of the United States.
Jefferson's Handwritten Copy of Clark's List
Jefferson has Changed the Order of the list by Species
The abbreviation Do. means ditto, i. e., the same (or similar) as the item above.
In Box No. 1.
1. Part of the upper head of the Mammoth with 4 teeth.
2. Part of a Jaw bone of Do. with 1 Tooth and a small tusk in it.
3. Half of a Jaw bone of Do. with 2 teeth, one of which is a young tooth.
4. 3 small tusks of a Jaw bone of Do.
5. 5 Sound Teeth of Do.
6. 1 Hollow tooth of Do.
7. 1 Tooth much worn of Do.
8. Part of a Small Eliphants Jaw with two teeth remaining in it.
9. 5 Eliphant Teeth.
10. A hollow bone (nondescript).
11. 1 piece of the hump bone.
12. 1 piece of Mammoth rib, 1 piece of Eliphant. do.
13. Part of a head, supposed to be the Cow Species.
14. 36 bones of the Paw of the Mammoth.
15. 2 leg and foot bones of the Horses.
16. Part of an Eliphants Tooth.
17. Thy and leg bones found together supposed to be young Mammoth.
18. A large Thy bone of the Mammoth.
19. 2 Pieces of Eliphants Tusks.
20. Greater part of the head of a Nondiscript Animal with horns bending down.
21. 3 leg bones of the Same Animal (probably).
22. 1 leg and 2 joint bones of the foot of another animal of the same Class.
In Box No. 2.
23. Part of the Head of the Mammoth with 4 teeth In it.
24. The Jaw bone with 4 Teeth in it.
25. 30 hones mostly the foot and or Paw of. Do.
26. Part of the Great Pan of the head of. Do.
27. Part of 1. Eliphant and 1 Mammoth’s rib.
28. 3 Small Tusks of the jaw bone of. Do.
29. 7 Eliphants Teeth,
30. 3 Mammoth Teeth.
31. 3 do. do. Hollow.
32. Part of 2 Eliphants Tusks.
33. Most of theHead of an Animal with horns bending down, bones of the leg and feet of same.
34. Part of the head of an Animal with Tapering horns streight long and at angles from the head, with leg and feet bones of the same.
35. The Teeth of 4 Small animals supposed to be the teeth of those uncommon animals mentioned above.
In Box No. 3.
36. 2 large Tusks of the Mammoth.
37. Part of the upper head with 2 teeth in it, appearing a little different from the larger or more entire heads.
38. Part of the Jaw of a Small Mammoth with a young tooth, and one without root.
39. 2 Eliphants Teeth.
40. 2 Mammoth Teeth (one hollow).
41. The head of a Buffalow Cow (intended to shew the difference between this and other animals).
Also forwarded
42. An Indian Stone ax.
43. 4 Stone pipes with Stems.
44. A Seeoux War Cap of Feathers.
45. A Seeoux Dress for the head and hips when on Duty as a soldier or police man.
46. and a Lump of Salt given me by a french man from the Republican fork of the Kanzas River.
Louisville 10th. Octr. 1807.