If you want to advertise something here (has to be steve martin) just Email me! send me your email addy and the ad the way you want it!

i've got a book written by Steve Martin called "Cruel Shoes".
it has alot of pictures and dialogue from comedy shows. some of them are
my uncles metaphysics
demolition of the cathedral at chartres
confessions of raymond to his goldfish
the boring leading the board
cruel shoes
the bohemians
serious dogs
the stephen martin collection of american art: the man behind the genius
the undertakers
the day the dopes come over
the smokers
she had the jugs
sex crazed love goddesses
women without bones
wrong number
dynamite king
poodles...great eating
shuckinthe jive
how to fold soup
vengeful curtain rod
cows in trouble
society in aspen
things not to be
no mans land
comedy events you can do
the morning i got out of bed
the almaden summer
dogs in my nose
the last thing on my mind
and more
the book is from 1979. know of a collector who would buy it for a reasonable price?
