Assembling the PC
Page 1

Assembling the PC

After buying all the computer components they must be put together. This process is called assembling. It usually takes about fifteen minutes(installing not included). Although easy, it must be done carefully so as to avoid unnecessary damage to the system.

Materials Required

Make sure that you have all the below materals before starting.
  1. All the necessary components(Although the all the below components are preferable, not all are necessary. Then necessary ones are marked with a *)
    - Processors *
    - Motherboard *
    - Hardisk *
    - RAM *
    - Cabinet *
    - Floppy Drive *
    - CD Drive *
    - Cards
          - Display Card (Not needed if On-board display is available on Motherboard)
          - Sound Card (Not needed if On-board sound is available on Motherboard)
          - Modem
          - Other Cards(If Any)
    - Monitors *
    - Keyboard *
    - Mouse *
    - Speakers
    - UPS
    - Other Components(If Any)
    - Also keep the cables that came with thee components close by
  2. Philips head Screwdriver (Or Star Screwdriver)
  3. Flat head Screwdriver
  4. Forceps (for pulling out jumpers and screws)
  5. Magnatized Screwdriver
  6. Multi meter (Testing)

Required Environment

Make sure that the following things are true of the room in which the computer is assambled/kept.

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