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AHA Activity Book Cover
AHA's first activity book cover will be provided by the MA'AT School of Nia students! They are completing a heritage quilt, the photo of which will be used for the cover! The principal, Mrs. Desiree Rose, has actively empowered Toronto's Black community at various levels, all on a volunteer basis. Her generosity with AHA is characteristic of her dedication to children.

If you are not an AHA member, but would like a copy of the activity book upon publication, please make your request
here. Copies will be reproducible for non-commercial purposes only.

AHA still needs submissions for its future activity books. Needed are 6 - 16 year-old children's drawings, paintings, essasy, stories, or photos of a craft projects.
Black-positive/oriented or racially unbiased. It would be greatly appreciated! The child donor(s) of the illustration used will receive a little thank-you gift. Please help make AHA's activity book series an empowering publication for children.

Asante (thank you)!

Please send your contribution (with a self-addressed stamped envelope if you need it returned) to the address below, or

Afrocentric Homeschoolers Association
266 Charlotte St.,
# 292, Peterborough,
Ontario, Canada L9J 2V4