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From:  "Shakitta"
Date:  Mon Mar 13, 2000

This was taken from the book "Lessons From History A Celebration In Blackness" elementary edition by Jawanza Kunjufu
"Swahili was selected in 1974 by members of the Pan-African conference as the Pan-African language. This will allow Africans living all over the world to understand each other."
Listed below is a working Swahili vocabulary.
a - short a
e - long a
i - long e
o - long o
u - long u
Common Words
Jambo- Hello
Habari Gani- Whis is the news
Njema- Fine
Asante- Thank you
Asante Sana- Thank you very much
Mama- Mother
Baba- Father
Ndada- Sister
Ndugu- Brother
Watoto- Children
Mtoto- Child
Mwalimu- Teacher
Mwanafunzi- Student
Shule- Yes
La- No
Acha- Stop
Nisamehe- Excuse me
Tafadali- Please
Mzuri- Good
Harambee- Pull together
Pamoja Tutashinda- Together we will win
Mzee- Elder
Chakula- Food
Choo- Toilet
Hodi Hodi- Hurry
Tutaonana- Good-bye (see you later)
Moja- one
Mbili- Two
Tatu- Three
Nne- Four
Tano- Five
Sita- Six
Saba- Seven
Nane- Eight
Tisa- Nine
Kumi- Ten