Boone County, Kentucky, Encyclopedia
Larkin Vaughn (1818 - 1862)Civilian killed in the Civil War by a stray shot. unmarried; b. 25 Aug 1818 d. 17 Sep 1862 bur. Vaughn Cemetery Father: Abraham Vaughn, d. 25 Sep 1881, aged 79 years; Mother: Polly Vaughn, d. 8 Oct 1856, aged 77y 6m 2d. Yealey Hist BC rev ed. 1960, p. 25. Mr. Yealey says:"We had the opportunity to have a chat with William Aydelotte, a man that was born in Florence on September 14, 1851. Although old in years, Mr. Aydelotte's mind is keen and he can give much information in reference to Boone County, as we can readily see that he was ten years old when the Civil War broke out and remembers quite well that he and his father were cutting wood on the Union pike, when a company of Union soldiers were retreating back toward Ft. Mitchell, and in trying to cover their retreat kept firing along the Lexington pike. At the junction of Shelby Street and the Lexington pike Larkin Vaughn was shot and died as he was being carried to a nearby house.
"He also stated that the Confederate soldiers did not attempt to go any farther than the intersection of the Union pike with the Lexington pike, then wheeled to the left and went out the Union pike with a dozen wagons. In about three hours they returned with their vehicles loaded with ground corn and wheat and a great number of sides of bacon. The camp was located at Snow's pond near Walton."
William Aydelotte, born in Florence, September 14, 1851, was just slightly younger than John Uri Lloyd.
Yealey Hist BC rev ed. 1960, p. 25. Yealey says: "The first house built in Florence was opposite the school at the junction of Oblique and Center Streets. "The writer has a record of the boy who lived in this house during the Civil War and helped carry Larkin Vaughn from the junction of Shelby and Main Streets when he was shot by a stray bullet from the advance guard of Gen. Wallace's army stationed at Ft. Mitchell. After the Civil War was over John Latham purchased this house and moved it to the corner of Oblique Street and Burlington Pike, when it was used as a barn. It was later torn down."
Tanner, Florence; Yealey