is for Acadia,
a place far away, the cajuns were exiled to the bayou to stay.
is for Boudin,
so loaded with spice, a rich cajun sausage of blood, pork, and rice.
is for crevi,
a crawfish so small, you'll need forty douzaine if you plan to feed all.
is for dame,
a good cajun wife, when vows are exchanged she'll keep them for life.
is for etouffee,
it's better than stew, if I eat my fill there'll be none for you.
is for fais do do,
a fine cajun dance, it'll last till morning go, if you've got the chance
is for gumbo,
need I say more? Take one small helping, you then may want four.
is for huracan,
with wind and with rain, it blows through the marshes and levels l'terrain.
is for igloo,
you'll not find one here,, you never will see one in the southland I fear.
is for jambalaya,
a fine cajun dish, where good food is common, it's all one could wish.
is for kerchief,
mama wears on her head, she'll not remove it till she's ready for bed.
is for lagniappe,
to round out the trade, something extra pitched in and no charge is made.
is for Mardi Gras,
with a laugh and a song, it's also Fat Tuesday with parades all day long.
is for nainaine,
one's own dear godmother, she'll always be near you greater love hath no other.
is for ouanga,
to cast off the spell of witches' bad voudou, how she'll not tell.
is for pirogue,
it floats on a dew or muddy swamp water that never is blue.
is for quai,
to tie up the boat, if you don't make it fast, away it will float.
is for roux,
a base for the sauce, with onions and flour no flavor is lost.
is for shrimp boat,
with nets on its side, when gulf shrimp are running it sails with the tide
is for Tabasco,
a fiery red sauce, if you drink it down straight, it'll show you who's boss
is for ustensile,
to set on the coals and hold all the cuisine, barbue, gumbo and rolls
is for vielle,
an old lady or wife, a faithful companion, she'll remain so for life.
is for willow,
so dreary and sad, it'll make a cool shade for a tired weary lad.
marks the spot,
on Jean Laffite's map, you may find some treasure, you'll likely find scrap
is for yamme,
to cook with the possum, if you eat it with riz, then red cheeks will blossom.
is for zombie,
a frightful, mean ghost, if you ever cross him, he'll burn you to toast.

Now you know your ABC's,

As every cajun should,

You can talk with fluent ease,

They'll understand you good.

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