Welcome to the Byrd Family Homepage

This is about the Byrd Family. It is also about the Gaughan and Lynott families. I hope you enjoy it. It brought me pleasure to bring it to you. As family is always changing, this homepage is a work in progress. It is also about Weston and Lewis County, West Viginia.


My parents John and Bridget Lynott were both in County Mayo, Ireland. My father was born in Bellglass and my mother was born in Belmullett, on the coast. My mothers' parents were Henry and Miraha Gaughan. There were ten children in my mothers' family. Leo, Patrick, John, Phillip, and Henry Martin were the boys. The girls were Bridget, Margaret, Mary, Ann and Genevieve. The ones who came to America, were Bridget, Mary, Ann, John and Patrick.

Mary married Herbert Lang. They lived in New Jersey and Buffalo. They had two children, Joseph and Marie. Burt died in the sixtes and Mary died in the seventies.Joseph died in the 70's and Marie married Al Zussie and they live in upstate New York.

Ann married Michael Maloney and they lived in New York City and Pearl River, New York. They were the parents of three boys. Michael, John and Henry. Henry died in 1956 of leukemia. John married Patricia Smith and they live in Tappen, New York. They had two children: John Jr. and Ann. Michael married Joan Wagner and lives in Pearl River, New York. Michael and Ann died in the eighties.

Patrick married Mary Lallie and lived in New York City and were the parents of two children, Joseph and Mary. Patrick died in the early ninties. Mary died in 2000.

John married Margaret. They lived in New York City and were the parents of three children, John, Margaret and Patrick. John and Margaret both died in the early nineties. John married Marie and they have a daughter, Miraha. They live in New York City. John Jr died in 1999. Margaret also lives in New York City. Patrick married Claudia and they live in Chattem, New Jersey.

The ones who stayed in Ireland were, Phillip, Henry Martin, Genevieve and Margaret. Leo moved to Scotland. Genevieve Kilroy and Margaret Coyle were their married names of my aunts.

Bridget and John Lynott came to this country in the thirty's. John came to Scranton, Pennsylvania and a few years later moved to New York City. Bridget came to New York City. They met at an Irish dance and were married in 1938. I was born three years later and then my brother Thomas was born in 1944. Thomas married Pamula Hunter in 1983. He is retired from the New York City police. They live in Riverdale, New York. John died in 1983 and Bridget died in 1987.

This the Byrd Family History.

Okey Byrd was born in Richie County, West Virginia in the late 1800's. He married Clovie McDonald and they had nine children. Fredia, Charles, Wanenima, Louie, Calvin, Tracy, Louella, Mary and Frankie. Clovie, "Ma" as she was known to all died in 1971. Okey died in the early eighty's.

Charles was my husband's father. He married Mary Helen Sholders in the 1930's. There was four children from that union. Louie , Emery, Trevea and James. Emery became known as Pete and Treva became know as Cookie. Mary died in 1974 and Charles died in 1994 as the result of an auto accident.

Pete married Charlotte Metz and are the parents of three girls, Kathy, Frankie and Traci. Kathy married Charles Conrad and live in Weston. They are the parents of a son Charles. Frankie married Randy Cutlip and live they in Sand Fork. They are the parents of two sons, Randy and Emery and a daughter, Rachal. Tracie married William Butcher and are the parents of a daughter, Katlin and a son Keenen Allen.

Cookie married Richard Booher and they live in Ludio Falls Ohio. They have two children Robin and Rickie. Robin is married and has a son Ryan.

James married Brenda Cogar and they have three sons, James, Louis and Christoper. James Jr is married to Kayla Gough. They have a son Matthew.

Louie married Mary Lynott on May 5, 1962. They have six children, Stacy, Barbara, Christine, Brian, Tara and Dennis. They moved to Weston, West Virginia in 1962 after living for a while in New York City. They also lived for ten years in Windham Ohio. Louie died in 1986.
Mary is retired from the Lewis County Emergency Squad and teaches computer classes at the Lewis County Senior Center and is a hostess.


Stacy is forty six and is married to Michael Gillette. They have two son's and a daughter, Jerry, David, and Samantha (Sam) They live in Linesville PA.

Barbara, at forty four, works at a bank in town. She is married to Eric Paugh. Eric works for State Farm as a claims adjuster. They are parents of three children. Two daughter's, Madeline (Maddie)and Emily, and a son Jackson (Jack).

Christine is forty two and married to Philip Cook. Philip works for a printing firm. She and Philip live in New Jersey. They have a son Noah.

Brian is thirty eight, he is married to Farrah and they have a son Kyle Patrick. He works in a foundry.

Tara is thirty six and married to Erik Kemper. Erik works for a drilling company. They have four children a daughter, Angel, three sons, Cole Jason (CJ),Seth and Jesse . Tara is employed as a teacher for the Lewis County Board of Education.

Dennis is thirty one and lives in New Jersey and is married to Sara Doughtery. He work for installing towers for a cable company. Sara & Dennis have a daughter Amber Lynn.


I have thirteen grandchildren. Jerry is twenty six, David is twenty two, Samantha is seventeen, Angel is eleven, Maddie is ten, Kyle is nine, Emily is eight, CJ is eight, Noah is five years, Jack is five years old, Amber is four, Seth & Jesse are one year old.


On June 16 Barbara Jean Paugh will celebrate her birthday

On June 20 Christine and Philip Cook will celebrate their 15th anniversity.

On June 28, Christine Michele Cook will celebrate her birthday>


Lewis County is in North Central West Virginia. I79 is about two miles from Weston. Jackson's Mill is in Lewis County. It is the boyhood home of Thomas Stonewall Jackson, a Confederate General. It is the home of the Stonewall Jackson Jubilee, a celebration of crafts, music, food and Civil War Demonstration. It is on Labor Day weekend and is enjoyed by thousands of people from all over the country.

Another good size town in Lewis County is Jane Lew. It is the place of a craft show that is growing. It is also on Labor Day. So if you are looking for something to do this Labor Day Weekend or just passing though Lewis County stop by.

This music is dedicated to the late great Glenn Miller who died in a plane crash in 1944. I have always loved his music.

Grandma's Brag page

Links to Family Photo's

Maddie, Emily & Jackson's Page
Here is some of my adorable grandchildren
Kyle's Page
Children and Grandchildren
More Family
More FamilyPicutres
Tara, Erik, Angel & CJ
Noah's Page
More children and grandchildren
Amber Lynn's page.

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Last updated June 7, 2009