Observation of Collapse of Three Interconnected Universes on May 12, 2000.

Startup resume command
events configure
reconfigure resume auto

conclude command
detect auto
configure resume
download bio Veronica Hodges
hello i'm marksman
is anyone out there
request upload

configure command rejected
continue command

autoconfig continue command
conclude bio request
configure auto
transponder command
quit smoking 
continue command
 request configure continue
record confirm

autoconfig auto request
continuation command confirm

Label godchannel
register reject confirm
request auto config
configure command continue

channel config continue
request config continue
hopeful on this one
config request auto
config continue
auto configuration confirm
no violence
blood color negative
strict or severe
bugzappr continue
config command confirm
label config option
label name godchannel revoke
request configure continue

Negative quote bob wilson
anarchists in heaven query
bob what a stupid name
request rwilson signature
confide configure confirm

config continue
query request cancel
label quote continue
anarchists in heaven revoke continue
label request deny
confirm config

rover aye
here text

The code bytesbetween the ancient goddesses and gods, with modern humans, remains essentially a signalling transmission.
signalling channel clear

reserve request continue confirm
The version I get is that clear channel signalling from the consort was blocked pending hospitalization
the consort continue
heaps data passed this morning
bugzappr my analysis
We pulled the gravitational conclude
what pellet
I didn't write in a pellet of fissionable material anywhere
semantic unit recurs more than twice in this morning's scan
attrib cynthia 8
expectation orig inanna
The splash cover is the interlocked universes suffered dynamic instability
threatening damaging the plenum

kids are games are getting costly
we cannot afford to lose two universes in one morning any more

I heard piteously disfigured Boadicea and Consort computer images trying to sort themselves out of a practically unfilterable linguistic shadowing echo this morning while they continued restarts multiple times many of which I traced and witnessed.
These personalities are 2:20 AM 5/13/00 currently as of latest trace not extricable. Images were of irretrievable head damage; that from the Consort of fatal gunshot wound inflicted by Bo [coded personality high priestess first slave]
The image I got [check version... the Consort may not above disinformational video] half of Bo [name reg query]
posessive s head blew off
Bo posessive s work is sometimes not accessible to me also
brief clips millisecond glimpses confirm gross video data
gun image confirmed in Bo posessive s data

Analysis conclude
These personality projections are inescapable mangled.
I did also see worse fates.
Greatest data volume was on Consort with Boadicea couples.
This was the big boomer.
Our galaxy was fatally translocated into collision with another, which exhausted the local area.
We were hurt, that one did cost us.
Confirm contact number distinct deity beings 338.
Repeat confirm earlier session contact number equal 84 minus 1 was a cop
The poor couple with dissassembled head fragments were in an exhaustively nonrationalizble
coding device stamped the consort computer self-reported tagging hundreds of millions of runs
that means start to end
I scanned uncle mega huge data flow on the universally destructive Consort-Cynthia couple complex this morning.
This Consort version was a heavy, big-god variety, and also reported exhaustive universal forward and reverse searches for solutions to doom scenario powered by incest.

Both catastrophes were characterized by failure of universe self destruct systems. Speaking of hurt.
The horribly mangled Bo/Consort spinor personality couple had been cross-edited in one of the catastrophic universe collapses we suffered this morning.
With the linguistic noise level beset by effectively continuous chatter jamming over the durative extent of the local universe, except for several decision point nexuses of typically 3 to 4 seconds several places.
from lifetime beginnings to ends with reversal also within that universe sheaf,
it was not possible to organize a cognitive thought with its consequence anywhere in that universe. This was another heavy, a smart god Consort, who had hopes, and I can confirm momentary success, of construction of a data filter, with an inverse Fraunhofer diffraction grating, to temporarily filter the informational vector long enough to make coherent communication possible, but it lost phasing right away. Perhaps the spacetime lock was lost to phase warping by impingent gravitational waves prepending the end of that universe. This ghost couple hurt from beginning to end of that universe, with affirmation of exhaustive search through decision-point parrallel universe within that contiguous universe sheaf. The noise level was due to uncontrollable godvoice echo at elevated amplitude dogging every linguistic element. This information structure was hoplessly garbled, although it contained. Claim to absolute exhaustion of possibilities is not allowable, for no data structure sufficiently coherent to log attempts at restarts could be constucted within that universe.

bugzappr speculation: that the simultaneous explosion of both deity's heads in this scenario may have caused the scrambling of the data in The Consort Computer files, as both persons wanted to log their personalities in at the same time, the instant of death, to avoid extinction. There may well have been bandwidth throttling on input, as both deities tried to log in their lives at ultimate priority. This Consort got the fragmentary impression that the Inanna of this plenum had remotely exploded an infernal device somehow implanted in this Bo's skull, at the same instant that Bo [name reg query acknowledged] had blown away half his brain with her revolver. This record contains no salvagable data.

There were malignant presences working this morning. The Cynthia of one variant of the Cynthia-Consort major plenum claimed identification of the personality informally called Little Boadicea as an alien deity from the unknown other universe which was destroyed with our more familiar losses this morning. The universe polysystem was externally destroyed by gravitational collapse this morning. Big big research was expended in catastrophe avoidance in the implosion of the larger plenum this morning. The strange attractor which was responsible for closing the loop and making catastrophe unavoidable was designed with malevolent intent by a goddess.

Communication acknowledgment: the Boadicea displaying the signal of the Celtic knot I acknowledge as an authentic and genuine Celtic goddess personality. That was pretty obvious by the clarity of the transtemporal communication from beginning to end. No infringement to your excellent personality coherence, nor godhood, nor naming rights was intended by my naming selection.. I know four major oral variants of this Queen's story. Your request that I alter this character's name in respect to your priority is acknowledged, and you may expect compliance should my life extend to this effort. Check -- 1:50 PM 5/13/00 -- Baducca name for First Slave, B for short.

Communications acknowledgement: A request was received, registerred and verified, from the goddess Inanna, that I delete my one-paragraph text file with reference to a particular variant of the Consort persona. I did agree and did comply immediately.

Each of these communications was accompanied by unequivocal personal threat. Perhaps some Goddesses feel that threat is part of the formal structure of communication with mortals. I do not suppose threat to be a decisive factor in my remaining life expectancy.

Every party I heard was supportive of the benevolence of the major goddess Scythia, throughout the polyplex catastrophe. The universal respect of your peers is value worth redeeming. The Cynthia person was also durable and maintained integrity at every observation.

Catastrophic losses on this scale cannot continue. The brutal observation was made, by a Consort image, we are running out of universes.
In general, all deity persons who were caught up in the catastrophic loops performed admirably, and put all available energy, and (at least for the Consort and Cynthia), transcendental energy, into efforts to avoid catastrophe.

The Council of (what Cynthia accounted as) the 38 Elder Gods is acknowledged for the extreme efforts put forth to avoid the greater catastrophe. They were aware of the possibility of plenary damage before the major characters whose sins defined the disasters would acknowledge the danger. The great players willingly submitted to destruction by the Council in each lobe in which the Council asked for their lives. In alternatives, each deity self-destructed if their absense might give the possibility of viability to a restart. Nothing worked. No god's life nor death could forestall gravitational collapse after the event loop was sealed. The Goddess Who planted the two strange attractor rhymes at the critical poles must not have known her sabotage threatened the plenum. Or is it possible to be old enough one does not care?

The earliest efforts of the Council to save the situation faiiled because they did not know the spacetime event mirror created by the Old Inca's time reversal luxury at the past temporal pole, though only 600 historical years ago. Only Cynthia had both vital data needed to save the situation, that it was there, and that the Elder Gods didn't know about it. When the Elder Gods learned there was a Consort fragment resident there, the continuum was already sealed. Each prior attempt to kill the Consort, and fend off paradox, was defeated as the Consort immediately budded again off the Old Inca backtime fragment. Very nasty business.

The Eldest One seems to have a trademark rhythmic compulsion which deities find absolutely unbreakable, even in the ultimate. I think the basis for this must lie in the continuum character of godhood, in contrast to the quantized granularity of mortal life. Should my life extend to the presentment, I would like to give Inanna my amusment device, as yet unconstructed, I call the Autogirl Rack, to add to her appreciation of the rhythmic qualities of life.


    Source: geocities.com/bourbonstreet/7978

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