How bad did we get beat?

Well, there's no structure standing and nobody left to wail.
Inanna disapproved so thoroughly of the Sisterhood I had created and named for Her, She arranged for me to witness as every last vestige of it was destroyed.
I was required to surrender the name of a character.
That's bad.
I got trounced.

What was gained?
I get threatening letters from ancient goddesses.
Maybe that makes me a more interesting person to be with, maybe not.
I'm kind of happy about it.
I hope it will forward the development of contemporary Paganism, having live and active principal deities, buzzing about in their own invisible but opinionated ways, through the fabric of current affairs.
Once I get through with the business at hand, I might get the chance to go hide somewhere and be delighted about it.
After I see what the Lady Inanna will require of me.

This is how it works: I gave offense to that great lady of ancient Sumer, and in a manner of speaking got Her to chase me to where I live.
Now She's here, in this time and place, and that was what I wanted.
Now I have to pay.
That could go three ways: it could be bad, or it could be really bad, or it could be really, really bad.
I'm delighted.
The worst thing that could happen, far as I'm concerned, is for Her to ignore me and go away.

Was this risky?
Let's just say yes. 
Then we can get emphatic and say yes, indeed.
Do not try this at home, kids.

I would like this century to become the happening place for the gods to be, a favorite hangout spot, the in place for fashion.
I would like to see Pagan deities of every description, crawling from the woodworks and hanging in the rafters.
Hopefully we can get a large population of independent divinities to put our time on their social calendars.
These intelligences may wish to help solve our problem, about excess air carbon bringing the world to an end.

