Survey Time

 Okay this is one of those adorable little email forwards that was sent to me by Erin.  Usually I don't even think of responding to these sorts of things but this one was so cute I couldn't resist.  Now you get to know all about me :)~


Name: Tristan
Nicknames: Trissy, Spot, Triscuit, Detimovvv, Twistan Shout, Tristan Piston
Birthdate: October 6, 1981
Height: I think I'm like 5'7 or just over
EyeColor: Green
Hair color: Blonde
Where do you live now? In the Bay Area. The San Francisco Bay Area for those of you with limited skills.
Favorite food: Kung Pao chicken or Cheese pizza or garlic fries.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip~!!
Favorite Soft Drink: Coke... I go through withdrawls without it!
What is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten? Anything pork
What is your favorite lunch meat? I dont eat sandwiches very often.
Do you drink milk? I drink soooo much milk it's amazing!
Favorite Drink: Coke because I love it~! hmmm I drink about 2 liters a day
Drinks with or without cubes? With for sure because if my drink gets warm that's just not acceptable~!
What is your favorite candy? I like every candy pretty much but if I could only eat one speicific type the rest of my life it would be nerds... the kind that has Grape and Strawberry in the same pack. Or lifesavers I guess.
What is your favorite type of Salad Dressing? Italian for it's zesty flavor~!!
What's your fav topping on your pizza? If it's got good sauce and cheese it doesn't fuckin need toppings bitch!
Shampoo or conditioner? Yes I use both
Toothpaste: Rembrandt whitening with peroxide
Favorite Perfume: Clinique Happy :)
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? *giggles*
Favorite alcoholic drink: Fuzzy Navels
Are you a daredevil? Yeah I guess so.
Have you ever been in a mosh pit? YES~! ugh and I had whiplash and some fat guy like pushed me into the mosh pit
Would you ever bungee jump? Sure.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nooooo.
If you could (or do) have a tattoo, what and where? It's totally trendy now but I want a geometric design on my lower back
Do you drink? Do drugs? Yeah I uh cook my own methamphetamines in my bathtub but no way am I stupid enough to get involved with that shit.
Do you smoke? Smoke what?!
Piercings? and where? I am a boring one I only have one on each ear.
Do you make fun of people? Like all the time~!!! But I'm sure people make fun of me just as much, so it all balances out.
Would you ever kill someone? I'm not sure.
Who are you jealous of? I dont get jealous :)
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Possibly...
Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't repeat? Yes :)~
Have you ever stolen anything? I stole Gina Figone's boyfriend!
What do you do to vent anger? Make fun of people
Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? Yeah I am a big bitch
Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid? No but I used to pick up rocks that had little chunks of dirt on them and suck the dirt off :)
The one person you hate? It's so hard to narrow it down... but I guess Amber fits the bill~!  I know three Ambers and they all fit the bill actually. And I fucking hate Rollergirl. But come on, who doesn't? But me and Erin totally started the trend!
Best online friends? Erin and Tasha and Corky
Favorite website? or for when I'm feeling particularly nasty :)
What do you think of chain letters? I think most of them are gay. Hint, hint. Don't send them to me ever unless you are my very very very very good friend.
Favorite Colors: Black and Blue but usually not together~!! I adooooore Pink and Silver too
One pillow or two? one :) I have two on my bed but before I go to sleep they both have to be perfectly in the right spots because sometimes I roll over :(
What was the first thing you thought when you woke up this morning? I fucking HATE my neighbors and their reject beagle dog that yaps constantly
How many rings before you usually answer the phone? I hardly ever answer my phone because I screen against my dad :)
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No.
What is under your bed? Not a damn thing except the floor. It's cool to have your floor under your bed clean. Seriously.
Do you eat breakfast first then brush your teeth or brush your teeth then eat? I havent eaten breakfast since like fifth grade
Pets: My little princess Goober~!!! She is the prettiest rottweiler in the world and she is my lovey girl :)
Do you get along with your parents? I get along with my mom super but I pretty much don't have a relationship with my dad anymore.
Who is your second family? Auntie Barbara and Uncle Freddie~!!! they love me and I stay with them a lot :)
Favorite relative: my auntie Barbara whom I absolutely adore.
Future son's name? Retardo Fuckhead
Future daughter's name? BitchFace
Parents: My mom is Patricia and my dad is Paul and my step mom is Rrrrrrrrrosario~!!!!
Siblings? ugh yes his name is Jesus Miguel Angel because my dad thinks he is such a blessing... don't ask.  Anywho he is 3 and he has to see a psychologist because he has "rage"
Favorite types of music: Alternative and rap? I am so not into rap but like I always listen to Wild 94.9 on the radio in the car with my friends :(
Movie you've seen most recently? I watch South Park and Jawbreaker every week... but the most recent movie I watched was Silence of the Lambs.
Favorite Movie of all time: Silence of the Lambs~!!!! I have it memorized *beams*
If they made a movie about your life, who would play you? Calista Flockhart, but lots of people say I look like Reese Witherspoon...
What TV show or movie title best describes your life? Absolutely Fabulous.
Have you ever been on radio or television? Yes I am on this public service announcement on our local cable channel here (my acting debut) where I play a slut who is addicted to heroin and gets AIDS. People at school come up to me all the time and go: Hey I saw you on channel 3~!!!
What soap opera character do you want to play? Whoever the fuck that chick is on General Hospital who gets to date Jax
What band has the best name? Fluke because it's such a cute name~!! it's like "oh it's fluke~!!"  I also like Pavement a lot for some reason.
Favorite television show: Baseball Tonight! annnd Talk Soup used to be cool but the new host sucks.
What is your favorite song? I have a lot so bear with me :) Hurt, by nine inch nails, wonderful tonight by eric clapton, all is full of love by bjork, the great below by NIN, judith by a perfect circle, silver springs by fleetwood mac, and winter by tori amos.
Favorite CD: ummm usually it's Immaculate Collection by Madonna or The dance by Fleetwood Mac but since Trent's new album came out I am all about nin :)
Favorite Author: Jackie Collins tee hee
Favorite Radio Station: I liked Live 105 forever but they merged and they just suck now.. its all smashmouth and sugar ray and I really cant stand that shit so now I listen to KSJO for classic rock :)
What's your favorite Disney movie? Alice in Wonderland~!! and Fantasia comes in at a close second
Favorite Sport to watch: Baseball~!!
Dream car: I loooooooove Expeditions and I am a big fan of the big one door Mercedes sedans but the names of those cars mystify me.
Car you drive now: Jeeeeeeeeep
Do you always wear a seat belt? Yes do you think I wanna die?
Do you get motion sickness? I got it once on a helicopter ride in Hawaii
Do you like to drive? I am such a good driver *beams*
Favorite town to chill in: San Francisco~!!! and Waikiki is coo :)
What was your favorite toy as a child: This little silver star wand I would hit people with when my dad was carrying me on his shoulders and he never noticed :) Also when my mom was a kid my grandma built this humongous dollhouse and I inherited it and that was really cool, except it was built before Barbies came out so they couldn't fit through the doors.
Favorite thing to do on weekends: I am not a fan of fun
Roller Coasters, deadly or exciting? They're exciting BECAUSE they're deadly!
If you could do anything right now, what would it be? Be Trent Reznor's sex slave!
Hobbies: I enjoy painting landscapes, collecting antiques, writing poetry, practicing my ballet and carving miniature bunny rabbits out of clay.
Favorite vacation spot: Pinecrest Lake. Ok I know it's lame but hey I love that place.
If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Pacific Heights or New Orleans. I have every intention of someday owning two houses, one in each place.
What is your favorite sports team? In PE junior year of high school me and three of my friends were in the same class and since our teacher was sick most of the year, we played volleyball abd badminton the whole time practically and I have never laughed more, so that's my favorite team, the four of us :)
What is your favorite Sport? I am the badminton queen :)
What is your bad time of day? Between 5 am and 3 pm
Favorite time of the year: The rainy season~!! I loved two years ago because el nino made it rain perpetually for like 6 months :)
Favorite thing to do in the Spring: Roll in grass and get allergic reactions
Favorite day of the week:Sundays because that's the only day I allllllways have off
Adidas, Nike or Reebok? Adidas I guess. I'm partial to Steve Madden though
Guys/girls, with or without hats? Hats on girls no, but on guys sure if they can look good~!
Where do you shop? All over
Favorite thing to wear: Cute stuff.
Favorite subject in school: Being teachers aide to Mr. Smith the fotball coach :)
What class in school do you think is totally useless? Keyboarding, I still can't type "the" it comes out "teh"
Future school: Berkeley teehee
A teacher you hate: Mr. Richison sucks dicks for a living
Flirting technique: Well the eyelash batting thig usually works but if I am in a rush Nice Shoes Wanna Fuck will suffice.
If you could have a girl/guy of your dreams what would they look like? You probably know
Have you ever been in love? I wanna know what love iiiiiiiiiis, I want you to show meeeee.
>When you meet a person of the opposite sex, what do you notice first? whether or not they have a good nose, I have a nose fetish~! :)
Favorite body part of the opposite sex: Hmmmm noses
Who is the hottest guy/girl in the world? OK Heather Graham is the hottest girl I have seen, hottest guy... let's see, Shawn Estes, Matthew McConaughey, Steve Young is sex on legs, and there's something about Trent...
What kind of guys or girls are you attracted to? *shrugs*
Do you ask the guy/girl out or do you wait for them to come to you? They come to me
Do you mind paying for a date? um, yea...
Are you a good friend? I am.
Can a guy and girl just be friends? I believe they can
What do you look for in someone's personality? Sense of humor!
If you got a chance to see someone you barely see, who would it be? Trent Reznor... they need to play more nin videos on MTV I think
Who is the funniest person in the world you know? Mr smith was funny even though he was a retard :)
Who is your sunshine? Goober~!!!!!
Who makes you smile the most? Goober Poober~!!!!
Who do you love? I love lots of people.
Who do you think of when reading this quote... "If for every time I thought about you I'd get a flower": It depends on who you is.
There are three wells: love, friends, happiness. If you can drink from only two which ones would they be? Friends and love, people stress happiness way too much for my tastes.
Do you wish on stars? Occasionally.
Which finger is your favorite? that is sick.
When did you last cry? Never
Do you like your handwriting? No it's too messy
What is your number one priority? Looking cute... no ok really I guess it would be to make my mom proud.
Do you follow or lead? Lead mostly
Do looks matter? Of course they do.
DO you pray? To quote my good friend Joel, I pray every fucking day that religion will fucking go away!
Have you ever met anyone famous? I met Briscoe County Jr. once :) Annnnd 'NSync played at my high school in like March of 1998 and i shook hands with three of them (the one with dreadlocks, JC, and Justin)
Do you think there is a pot at the end of the rainbow? Do I really fuckin care?
Are you trendy? Unfortunately. *covers head from projectiles* but I am sooooo good at predicitng future trends. Like I got Adidas Superstars in like 1994 before they came back in style~!
Are you passive or aggressive? A little bit of both maybe?
Who are your idols? TJ Hooker~!!!!
Do you trust others easily? No I think I'm too cynical.
What is the punchline to your favorite joke? ok me and my mom have this joke where we go: remember when goober fell in the pool? because she used to fall in like once a week and so I guess the punchline is: no when did she do that?
Do you think your sex life has been good so far? Nothing to write home about.
Do you keep a diary? No.
Do you like sarcasm? fuck you
Do you feel understood most of the time? It really depends who I'm talkin to.
Would you rather have a sore throat or a stomach ache? I'd rather have a Darvon :)
Do you know what 'mung' is? Yes I found out on South Park finally
Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold, I get dizzy if I get too hot.
Did you cry when the Oklahoma city bombing occured? No.
Have you ever given money to a bum? Yes.
What are you worried about right now? Too many things to bore you with my sweet.
Do you think you are emotionally strong? Definitely.
Will you ever become president? Only if I can have oral sex given to me in my office while I work.
What would be your first move if you woke up and your parents were dead? Sit down and cry.
Do you know what love is? No, I'm a retard. Could you help me?
Memory you cherish the most? I'm not sure
Do you believe in yourself? No.
Favorite sound: Rain.
Worst feeling in the world: anxiety~! yuck!
Best feeling in the world: being drunk and laughing about something realllllllllllly funny
Pen or pencil? Pens... I have a chunk of pencil lead stuck in my palm from second grade :(
Thunderstorms- scary or cool? cooooool unless your home alone at night with your weak friend named Sara watching Children of the Corn~!
What is your Zodiac sign? Libra baby~!! Isn't it obvious?
If you could turn into any animal what would it be? A sea turtle
What is your favorite number? 10681
What do you sleep in? Panties and a tank top and my old eyeliner that didnt wash off from that day :)
Personal Quote: I'm not saying the world revolves around me, I just think it should.
Words and phrases you overuse: Gooooober why are you so cute~?!? also Who's got the tummy?! I talk baby talk a lot to my dog. it's sickening
If you could meet one dead peson who would it be? I dont know, that would probably freak me out too much
When you die, do you wanna be buried or burned in ashes? I would like to be "cremated".
Do you believe in aliens? Sure.
If you had a chance to Professionally do something, what would it be? I want to have my own show on E! that has like everything... but I honestly don't think that network could handle me.
Things you obsess over: Noses, boobs
Favorite magazine: Elle or InStyle
Favorite Flower: Peonies! The most underrated flower in the world!
Whats your most embarassing moment? Eeek I don't know... there have been so many I'd rather not think about it.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My nose~!!!!!
What was the best gift you ever recieved? A little wookie named Goober from my mom or a fortune cookie from my friend Mike that said: There is a true and sincere friendship between the two of you... how wierd is that?!
How long did this letter take you to complete? Like forever~!!!
What do you think of the person who sent this to you? Erin is my HERO~!!!!
Do you believe that eyes are the window to the soul? No I always thought that saying was fucking dumb.
Who inspires you the most? Britney Spears inspres me to new levels I never thought possible.