Big Taylor Asks:
"What is Blues Music?"

  1. "Blues is the sound of a good man feelin' bad", anonymous.
  2. "Blues is the sound of a happy man feelin' sad", anonymous.
  3. "If it's got blues changes, it's blues", Ulas M., bassist.
  4. "Blues is fighting back, with a beat", anonymous.
  5. "The Blues is to music, what a faithful dog is to your life. He eats unsavory things, has fleas and unpleasant odors, but no matter what your mood, is constant in his friendship. And especially when you're feeling down and out, there's your dog(blues)", Lee Roy.
  6. "The Blues is a man thinking about the woman that he loved and left", J.Alvarez("The Beast").
  7. "Blues is 1) knowing what good is, amidst all the tragedy or 2) Blues is knowing the how but not the why.", Kris Ann.
  8. "The Blues is about feeling good about feeling bad.", Jerry Wexler, in his autobiography.
  9. "The Blues are the roots and other musics are the fruits" - Willie Dixon
Email me, what you think blues is.
