Welcome to my Guestbook

Since January 05 1999

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Judy Mazur - 05/29/00 17:25:28
My URL:http://www.jorsm.com/~gjmazur
My Email:gjmazur@jorsm.com

Hi, Just LOVED!!! your site, and the tour was great. I was thrilled with all the pictures. Funny, how there was so many things in common with my son. His handle geing The Big Giant Head, and he has visited 5 Hard Rock Cafe, one being in New Orleans also. Also he is a regular of Hooters, himself!Hope you get a chance to visit me and sign my book also. Get a chance my son's site is www.cpalm.thepalms.com, his business site is www.worldwow.com. I will visit again, keep having FUN!!!!! JJ

didi - 07/19/99 10:28:43

hello big z au ich möcht mi emol im ene guestbook iidraage. wie du jo weisch, ich bi die ehemalige zwaiti hälfti vo zztop. ändlich au alli föteli gseh uf dinere homepage. zum kommentar vom munschter: nur d startsiite goht e bitz lang, sunscht perfekti homepage. (gree ings to dario) ...und wenn ich emol änglisch cha, mues ich nümme uf baseldytsch schriebe. --oder baseldytsch als wältsproch!?!?!?

Sarah - 07/05/99 18:30:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/chezsarah/
My Email:speedy9561@hotmail.com

Cool site you got here! I really had fun. Check out mine somtime! I got cliques, polls, awards, jokes, links, and all that good stuff!

Andy "Munster" Hermann - 03/25/99 13:21:14
My Email:Munster@gmx.ch

Sali Z, endlich habe ich deine Hompepage gefunden(Hatte deine Adresse "vernuscht"). Muss schon sagen, D-Man (Sali Dario!) hat wieder gute Arbeit geleistet. Mein Browser hatte zwar einige Probleme mit deinen Bildern (hat mich ständig rausgeworfen!) aber ansonsten st sie wirklich erste Sahne. Weiter so. Werde sicher zurückkommen um zu sehen was es neues gibt. Ya - ah - teh !! Munster

Killroy - 03/21/99 21:57:36

Killroy was here

Linda "Elvira" - 03/03/99 17:12:29
My Email:linda@edge.net

Hi,Big Z. I had the privilege of meeting you (Dr. Mark Green) in New Orleans at Mardi Gras. You are right--Patout's was perfect. Hope we get to meet again next year. We'll have to talk "shop". I also work for an insurance company. I am an agent for MONY in Nashville. Be sure to stay in touch with Dead Elvis and me. Bye.

Tiny - 02/14/99 10:48:51
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/tinyshome/
My Email:sieloo@worldonline.nl

Here is Holland speaking! You have a beautiful site!! There is a lot of information. Come and visit Holland and take a look at my page! I have a nice site in English, French, German and Dutch with a lot of information/links about tourism in Holland, music, holidays, old schoolphotographs, links, Animated Gifs, you can pick up my banner, a d you can also win my award!! I would be delighted if you sign my guestbook too! Greetings, Tiny

Linda &Joe - 02/07/99 03:10:51
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Flats/1828

Great page sure did enjoy your pictures.Do drop by and visit our sites.I will leave both our banners so you can get there.

Linda &Joe - 02/07/99 03:06:51
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Flats/1828

Great page sure did enjoy your pictures.Do drop by and visit our sites.I will leave both our banners so you can get there.

Ms. Mie - 01/27/99 16:53:56
My Email:kiriboo@rose.plala.or.jp

Hi! I'm from Japan. I really enjoyed your HomePage, especially pictures are great! When I was 19, I' ve been in Lausanne,(il y a presque 20 ans.) so I write this. I like movies, music(jazz, rock) and also singing jazz. I teach Japanese for foreigners in Tokyo. See you ! Bye ! Sayonara !

LOBO7 - 01/22/99 15:31:33
My URL:http://i.am/lobo7
My Email:lobo7@i.am

Excellent Web Site !..Great design, layout & contents...great links !..Really enjoyed my visit..Will be back !..LOBO7

crystal simpson - 01/20/99 17:56:55
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/crystal25
My Email:crystalsimpson@mailcity.com

hey big guy...nice page!!! thanks for e-mailing me, i will be at mardi gras starting on the 11th of february.. i will be staying at the best western inn on bourbon... look me up and we shall party hearty for about 7 days....MARDI GRAS 1999, HERE WE COME!!!!! SEE YOU THERE ,,,, CRYSTAL IN NASHVILLE

Lars Fleiderman - 01/20/99 12:16:03
My URL:http://www.fleidernet.ch
My Email:Lars@fleidernet.ch

Hallo, tolle seite hast du, ich bin in Bern un Basel is eine ganz spezielle stadt...!!! hast du eine katze die mochte in meine seite landen??..komt doch einmal vorbei.. ich komme wieder...hasta la vista baby...

pete from basel - 01/06/99 06:53:17

Hi Z Here's the proud godfather of your little princess Sarah. It's good to have friends like you. Was quite funny (mostly) to read the comments about your homepage (gosh, who is karin z. - working also at hp; does she have any problems?). Hear you soon by way of old-fashioned memo or else see you at coffee! Pete

Samantha - 01/05/99 15:50:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/MsSamantha

Hi there! I love your homepage. Keep up the great work. I'm going to go back now and look at all your links. Have a great day :)

Gustav Stenmark - 01/01/99 01:46:49
My URL:http://w1.243.telia.com/~u24302222
My Email:u243022@hem.passagen.se

Hallo!!This is a very nice homepage. My complements to the creator. Hope You like mine too. Regards Gustav Thank you for taking your time on signing the guestbook.

ELOINE - 12/29/98 06:06:40
My Email:ELnWees@hotmail.com

Hi Big Z!
Came here through the Link you left in my Guestbook!
Thankyou for visiting my Homepage and for signing while you were there!
I am glad that you like our Country here ... we all kind of like it too!
Your daughter Sara is a darling!
I loved all the pics ... especially the sky diving one and the New Orleans one
Don't know the girl ... sorry
You look like a blast! Keep doing what you do!
Take care ... ELOINE
Hi Sierra ...
Thankyou so much for going by my Homepage when I invited you there .... and most especially for taking the time to sign m,y Guestbook while there!
Your page here is quite interesting! ... You seem to be a very straight forward type of person ... and so busy!
Thanks for all the nice things that you had to say ... and I will be back here to visit you now and then! ... Take care ... EL