LC Jazz Pics and Sounds

These are various pictures over the last few of years of the band at several gigs!

Anna Husk, Bixby Library Gala, 4/5/2003 Bill Bowers, Bixby Library Gala, 4/5/2003 Bryan Cass, Bixby Library Gala, 4/5/2003 Mariana and Tony both sang with the band at the Bixby Library Gala, 4/5/2003 Bixby Library Gala, 4/6/2002 Bixby Library Gala, 4/6/2002 Bixby Library Gala, 4/6/2002 Vergennes Town Green, 9/1/2001 Vergennes Town Green, 9/1/2001 Ethan Allen Museum, Burlington, 5/6/2000 Crown Point, NY, 5/3/1999 Crown Point, NY, 5/3/1999 Crown Point, NY, 5/3/1999 Crown Point, NY, 5/3/1999 Rehearsal with Lester Bowie, 3/10/1999 Rehearsal with Lester Bowie, 3/10/1999 8/22/1998 8/29/1998 8/29/1998 Waterbury Armory, 9/26/1998 Waterbury Armory, 9/26/1998 Waterbury Armory, 9/26/1998

Here are some sound clips you can listen to! They are about 1 1/2 minutes in length, and are in RealAudio format. If you do not have RealPlayer installed on your computer, click on the button below to get it! The clips are in two formats each, one for slower (28.8) modem connections, and a higher quality version for faster (T1) connections. Enjoy!


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