Cajun Country USA Creativity Award

Louisiana Explorers First Award

I reviewed your site and I must admit that it was difficult to decide which award to give based on my usual criteria. After careful consideration, I have decided to give you my creative site award! The reason is as follows:

This award is given to the Louisiana Explorers for taking the extra step to learn the history, sights, and culture that make our state and our culture unique in all the world. Without our youth learning why they are special, our Cajun culture would not survive. Being Cajun is something special, and your teacher, Mr. E., I feel is trying to "create" that sense of pride in his students! I thank him for showing you that we are unlike any other culture, and proud of it!

Please revisit my own site often as I am always adding in more photography. The newest addition is a page on religion in Louisiana!

Congratulations on your award,


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