Baton Rouge Capitol photo

1998 Baton Rouge Trip

comments taken from the student's essays after the trip

USS Kidd "My favorite part of the whole trip was [along the river front] where ... the group took off our shoes and socks and put our [tired] feet in the water [fountain] and just sat and chilled while we enjoyed the view." - Ericka

"The first thing my dad asked me when he came to pick up me [and my mom] up was, 'How was it?' I said, I had fun and wish I didn't have to come back. My mom said the same thing." - Jarred

"I loved it, from the food to the riverfront! I got to work with people I don't ... get to talk to at school. That made me feel like there is a lot more that people have to offer when you get to know them." - Adrienne

"Wow - where do I start?! I really liked the field trip. The favorite place was the new state capitol. I'm now a big fan of the long-gone Huey Long. I went from not knowing anything about him to being so interested in him." - ShaRonda

OSC photo "I really enjoyed the field trip. I have never been to the state capitol, that is why I enjoyed it so much. It was also nice that we got to walk around by ourselves [at the Rural Life Museum]. Every other field trip we had to stay right with the teacher. Also we got to take lots of pictures." - Courtney

"I liked the Rural Life Museum most because you could see the equipment people used long ago the people used to live. - Binh

Landrys logo "It was very [strange] to know that we were standing on the spot that [Huey Long] was shot. I didn't like the [tower]. I felt like my heart fell into my stomach. - Reginald

"The supper at Landry's was great. [The poboys] were good, big, and delicious" - Wayne

"My favorite part was 'playing church' at the old church at the LSU Rural Life Museum. I also wish I could just show everyone how big the poboys are at Landry's." - Ashley

"If I could change anything it would be to go back and relive the magic of this trip. I can't wait to see what our next adventure will be! - Robin

My favorite part of the trip was when we ate at Landry's. It was also the most unusual. The poboys were huge!" - JoLee

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