St. Francisville Trip

March 20, 1999

comments taken from the student's essays after the trip

"The stories were unbelievably great! My favorite were at the Myrtles - Chloe, Sara Matilda, and the Judge." - Robin St.Francisville Photo

"The best part of all was Randols because I danced, had fun, and ate crawfish." - Andrea

"I loved Greenwood Plantation. It's scenic beauty made it all worth will." The owner (Richard Barnes) devoted 16 years of his life to making this home beautiful." - Adrienne

"Greenwood was beautiful and he let us take lots of pictures and told us how he came to own it." - April

"Southern University has the greatest view of the Mississippi River I've ever seen. I also liked the stories at the Myrtles. I really plan to go spend the night there soon." - Ruban

St. Francisville Photo "I loved Randol's. The crawfish were great!!! I was fun Cajun dancing too." - Ashley

"When we went into the house (Myrtles) I got scared because I heard and felt movement under my feet." - Joanah St. Francisville Photo

"The trip was a blast. I'll remember the horses that came running after us at Greenwood." - Ericka

"Ruben and Courtney are sure they saw something supernatural" - Jarred

"I absolutely loved the Myrtles. From the moment I walked in, my ears and eyes were closed to the belief of 'ghosts'. After the stories I started sniffing around for 'Sara Matilda's perfume'. - Sharonda

"To end the day we went to Randol's. The crawfish were right on the spot. I really enjoyed the trip." - Reggie St. Francisville Photo St. Francisville Photo

"At Greenwood we got to meet the owner. It was the first time we got to really meet an owner and ask questions. Greenwood is very big and beautiful. And they had horses!" - Courtney

"What I liked about this trip was the crawfish. It was a little scary to go into a haunted house." - Crystal

"At Southern University I like seeing the jaguar (mascot). At Randols the crawfish were just like I like them." - JoLee

"I guess I was kind of scared at the Myrtles. Ruben kept insisting he saw something. At Randols, the crawfish made my eyes and nose runny. I have never eaten crawfish like that. I wanted to bring some home but I knew Mr. E. wouldn't let me." - Adrian

St. Francisville Photo


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