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RoJaC - Robert's Jazz Corner

Bill Dixon Online Archive

by Robert Stubenrauch (

Bill Dixon: trumpet, flugelhorn, piano, composer, lecturer, visual arts
born Oct 5, 1925, in Nantucket, Mass.
Studied painting and music. In 1964 he organized the "October Revolution in Jazz" Festival which brought together the most important advantgard groups of the time. For some years he was producer for the Savoy jazz label. Docent at the Bennington College from Sept 1968 until late 1995.

B.Dixon photo by Hans Kumpf


News, articles & reviews (in German)


Album covers (artwork by Bill Dixon)

Dixonia, the Bill Dixon bio-discography

Bill Dixon's own homepage

© Copyright by Robert Stubenrauch. This material may be freely distributed for private non-commercial use only. For any commercial use on whatever medium please contact the author.
Photo: Hans Kumpf