If you have been to this site before, you may notice a little difference. This is ANTIGNR TABS 2.0. New design. New tabs. New sections. Enjoy. Please sign my guestbook and PLEASE send me an e-mail. It's the feedback that will keep this site going on. Thanks. I'll revise all the tabs, but, for now, many of them are still wrong and don't use the signs in my "tab explanation" section. Good Luck. You can see this site without the banners. Just try to enter at

I'm really sorry about the lack of updates! I feel terrible when I get mails asking to tab one song and it takes an eternity! But the good news is that I'm working hard on the asked songs. The only problem is that I've been very occupied lately, with school, my radio show, etc. To make people feel more tranquilized, I'm adding today a "upcoming tabs" section, with the tabs I'm working on and the next ones in the line.