All the wallpapers are free. If you want any one of them for other kind of use, please send me a mail and request [just to let me know]. Click on each title of wallpaper for open in a new window. Press the right button over the picture and save as your wallpaper.

Paul McCartney - NEW
A beautiful one featured Paul and Linda.

Driving Rain
It isn´t that official. Paul is sitting on the floor. Colours: black and white.

Sun King
A beautiful and coloured wallpaper with the four Beatles in the mad-day out, 1968.

Oh Sweet Dream
A cute wallpaper of The Beatles in 1968, with stars.

What You´re Doing
A red hot wallpaper with The Beatles playing some instruments, around 1964.

A good working of The Beatles in the premiére of Sgt. Pepper´s album, in 1967.

Twist And Shout
The Beatles jumping and having fun.

Lennon & McCartney
A purple tribute to that great composers.

Yes It Is
The Beatles are so beautiful and this wallpaper just show us its.

The Beatles
A simple tribute in black.

Paul & George
A clean wallpaper with Paul and George around 1966.

My Sweet George
A tribute to the quite Beatle.

The Lovely Linda
A pretty picture of Paul and Linda around 1971.

John Lennon Lives
A tribute to this great artist of everytime.

Beatles For Sale
A good working on this cover album.