Israeli, Mizrahit and Oriental Hits in MP3!!!

Every week new musics to download!!!

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* Please, download the file ( music ) in bmp format and rename it to mp3. If you want, you can use CoolTool Change Type. Please, download it here! For instructions on how to install and use Change Type, please press here!


      NEW------NEW------Direct Download Musics in Real Audio format------NEW------NEW

 Israeli and Mizrahit Music in Real Audio for Direct Download and Listen!!!

Click Here Now !!!



Eyal Golan - Tzlil Meitar Album - New Album!

Sarit Hadad - Ashlayot Metukot - New Album!




Soon here!

Lior Narkis, Lior Farhi, Haim Moshe, Enrico Macias, Aris San, Oum Kalthoum, Eyal Golan, Sarit Hadad, Ethnix, Shlomi Shabat and much more oriental music!



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