The Portuguese F2C Fuel Rosette


Dear Friends Below you will find a faster way to make fuel without making any calculations.

We live in a world where time is an important factor. Base on that we have created this two matrix's you can use to prepare in a easy way the mix for the fuel you will use without the need of making any calculations

How this matrix works : The reading process works from the centre to the border

1st step : Chose the quantity of fuel you won't to make e.g. 250 ml. After you chose the percentage of oil (óleo) you will use e.g.: 9%, based on this, fill the test tube until 22,5 ml

2nd step : After chose the percentage of ether (eter) e.g.: 33% . Fill the test tube until 105 ml respecting the colour code (same colour between the ether and Kerosene). In this case (Brown for ether "33%" and brown for kerosene "58%")

3rd step : In the end, is the kerosene (Petróleo). Fill the test tube with kerosene until 250 ml (to reach 58% of Kerosene)

The additives in the matrix, are only examples of two additives

The process for 500 ml is the same. We hope that this could be a help for those that won't to make fuel in small quantity and always before each training

Just take a look to the idea. You can allays improve or develop a similar system, for other fuel's or percentages not available in these examples


Table 1

Fuel for 250 ml (millilitres)


Table 2

Fuel for 500 ml (millilitres)