

Versão - Batman RPG (1989)

Dex: 9    Str: 4    Body: 5

Int: 9    Will: 7    Mind: 7

Infl: 8    Aura: 7    Spirit: 7

Initiative: 28    Hero Points: 150

Charisma: 8, Martial Artist: 8, Thief: 9, Vehicles: 9, Weaponry: 9

City Knowledge; Connections: The Batman (Low), Street (High); Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (cats)

Irrational Attraction to cats and cat motifs, Irrational Attraction to Batman

  1. Cat O' Nine Tails - [BODY: 4, EV: 5]

  2. Swingline and Grapple - [STR: 5, BODY: 6] - The swingline is 5 APs long


Versão - DC Super Heroes 3rd Edition (1993)

Dex: 9    Str: 4    Body: 5

Int: 9    Will: 7    Mind: 7

Infl: 8    Aura: 7    Spirit: 7

Initiative: 30    Hero Points: 75

Acrobatics: 9*, Animal Handling: 8*, Charisma: 8*, Martial Artist: 8, Thief: 9*, Vehicles: 9*, Weaponry: 9*

Area Knowledge (Gotham City); Connections: Batman (Low), Street (High); Intensive Training; Lightning Reflexes; Pets (numerous house cats); Scholar (cats)

Serious Irrational Attraction to cats and cat motifs, Irrational Attraction to Batman

  1. Cat O' Nine Tails - [BODY: 4, EV: 5]

  2. Swingline and Grapple - [STR: 5, BODY: 6] - The swingline is 5 APs long