Robin 2


Dex: 6    Str: 2    Body: 4

Int: 6    Will: 6    Mind: 5

Infl: 6    Aura: 4    Spirit: 5

Initiative: 18    Hero Points: 35

Charisma: 5, Detective: 4, Martial Artist: 6, Thief: 6

City Knowledge; Connections: The Batman (High); Street (Low); Rich Family (Bruce Wayne); Sharp Eye.

Age (13 years old); Secret Identity.

  1. Costume - [BODY: 5]

  2. Batarang - [BODY: 7, Gliding: 2]

  3. Infrared Flashlight and Goggles - [BODY: 1, Thermal Vision: 12]

  4. Microcassete Recorder - [BODY: 1, Recall: 12, R#: 3] -  Miscellaneous Drawback: can only Recall audio information.

  5. Miniature Camera - [BODY: 1, Recall: 12, R#: 2] - Miscellaneous Drawback: can only Recall visual information.

  6. Plastic Explosives - [BODY: 1, Bomb: 7]

  7. Rebreather - [BODY: 1, Sealed System: 12, R#: 2]

  8. Slingshot - [BODY: 1, EV: 2, Amno: 1, R#: 5]