The Mikado


Dex: 5    Str: 3    Body: 4

Int: 7    Will: 8    Mind: 6

Infl: 6    Aura: 5    Spirit: 5

Initiative: 18    Hero Points: 35

Charisma: 6, Thief: 5, Weaponry: 5

Scholar (poison, medicine); Miscellaneous: The Mikado receives + 1 Column Shift to the OV of an attack when he uses his scalpel.

Psychological Instability

  1. Scalpel - [BODY: 1, EV: 2]

  2. Axe - [BODY: 4, EV: 3]

  3. Hypodermic Needles (2) - [BODY: 1, Poison Touch: 8] - One of the needle's poison paralyzes a victim for the RAPs of time; the other is fatal.